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So Pop what do you do, mix it with water and feed? So make up like a base soil with peat/coco/perlite/castings and just water with mega crop and some added Cal/mag? I know nothing about the product from a hands on standpoint.
And I have a question for all AFN members and lurkers. I want YOU to tell me, what " nasty chemicals" are lurking in plant nutrients???

I've heard this for years and NO ONE has ever explained what so terrible. And if anything, its bottled nutrient you want to be concerned about, because they can have illegal plant growth hormones in them. But in the manufacture of mineral and elemental nutrients, its crushed rock........ other than those things that must be chelated for immediate availability. EDTA is most common and has come into question, yet I've not seen any definitive science on this. Greenleaf avoids this with an amino acid chelation process.

The various forms of N that are created and broken down again by soil life, are exactly the same ionic forms as what you could buy.

This is all just more old hippie/newage bullshit made up by someone who was trying to impress another person with his eco-friendly lifestyle.......... just like most other garden myths!
None. And I've just sampled bud from one of my plants and I'm very pleased! N is only a problem when people are force feeding plants high levels of nutrients. N doesn't "go away" in an organic grow, plants just use what they need. My max ppm is 750, including 100 ppms of cal/mag, which I may not even need, its just years of habit now to add cal/mag to my RO water. I have recently reduced that to 50 ppms and my plants are as healthy as ever.

Any issues with the nitrogen during flower?
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