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howdo peeps :pass:whats the point of legalizing something if the rules regulations and stipulations surrounding make it near imposible to grow gona get done for tax ivasion or something daft instead of production/intent to supply.
how about just keep it illegal but just do nothing ? just like its legal to kill a scotsman on a wednesday afternoons if they have a red sporran and you have 4 buttons on your sleeve.
Don't know shit about the rules and don't give a shit . Want to throw my old ass in jail have at it been there done that don't give a shit about that either . :pighug:
Boycott...:d5:..boycott..boycott...can you image what that makes a pretty standard Mother plant worth...?

Are you sure that is take up............I have a lot of tric scope shots and I get that pale purple colouring as the trics mature........?

Yes. I had 5 plants in the group and this is the only one given colored ice and water to and its the only one that showed this color. One other was given cold water and ice without color and it didn't show any signs of color differential. The plant that received the coloring also started to turn black at the tips of the plant and the whole plant had a darker tone to it. My main goal was to see if and if how long it takes for fluids to uptake to the glands.
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