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Havn't posted a pic for a while so here's my RQ diesel auto 34 days old snapped the main stem doing some LST on her at day 25 nearly started crying :bummer: i think i shed a tear but seems to be going strong
morning stoners.

gratitude is awesome. My GF busted her ass to help me get my house in order after 3 months of no kitchen. The constructioin dust, the piles of disorganization, the laundry that had no home, the coffee spills on top of coffee spills..... The list of jobs was a big one.

We did it! I am totaly ready to unveil the very nearly completed house renovation to my family. They have seen me living in dust and tool piles for several years now. It's tough when you can't just hire this stuff out. It takes years to do it one project at a time..

Do I smell an proposal of marriage in the air . :nono:
Do I smell an proposal of marriage in the air . :nono:

Thats a good question, she leaves me wondering. I hate that. She and I both have experinced some outragous life circumstances, she tells me does not need to get married anymore, but you never know with these female types. I don't read code very well, if she tells me she doesn't care about marriage, fine with me. Just be honest about it, and I will too. We are talking about her moving here when she her mom passes away. She takes care of her immobile mom every day and lives there so mom can stay at home. She's a rare woman, massive intelect and integrity is a rare wonderful combo..
We have an government service here in Canada it's called Do Not Call which means that sales people can not solicit business by phone under any circumstances. It's as useless as tits on a bull .We still get phone calls for duct cleaning services . I have a full vocabulary of foul language that I get to exercise every time they call . It doesn't matter we still get calls but they sure hang up in a hurry after I've bombarded them with some very explicit instruction as to where they can put their duct cleaning service . :shooty:
Thats a good question, she leaves me wondering. I hate that. She and I both have experinced some outragous life circumstances, she tells me does not need to get married anymore, but you never know with these female types. I don't read code very well, if she tells me she doesn't care about marriage, fine with me. Just be honest about it, and I will too. We are talking about her moving here when she her mom passes away. She takes care of her immobile mom every day and lives there so mom can stay at home. She's a rare woman, massive intelect and integrity is a rare wonderful combo..
Not a bad idea to let sleeping dogs lie . :biggrin:
I got a girl like that too! congrats!!! I been going thru the same thing. Feels good to get back to order don"t it!!

Yes it does. The doors of opportunity shall open. In the words of Phish: "Now I keep the windows open wide"

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