One word LINUX .

I must confess that I still use Windows 10 even if it is still a pain in the ass .
Yea, yeah... So what variant? RHEL, CentOS, Debian? What interface, Gnome, KDE, LXDE... Many more words than one there buster! Nah just bustin yer bits man! How ya been? Me I have been straight out lately, hardly any play time and heaven forbid garden and AFN time!!
To answer your last ping, I am keeping on trying to keep up with all the stuff I am testing and setting up good grows with it all. I only have one plant going at the moment. Wish I knew what it was. Just saw a bean on my workbench and shoved it in the dirt. It is an auto so will be done in a couple weeks.
My next move is to tear down and clean maybe even sanitize my garden room. Both tents and the mother/clone area. Those mite and fungus gnats were horrible and I do not want to deal with that again so it's time to knock down and clean out.
I am still using the NFTG line of nutrients. I don't think I will ever give them up. They and the autocobs took m y grows to a whole nother level. Now with the ES-300 and NTFG I am producing some really nice produce.
Hey, nice chatting, be cool, see you on the next go 'round. (Prolly tomorrow!)