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Chembubbly chugging along....D71

The D.O.F was one of the reasons this lens has been on my wish list for 2 years!

This were taken at 200mm @2.8f
One of these days I want to get a "real" camera again. There are just things you cannot do with a lens that is 2mm thick..

Edit: Meant "with" not "without"
Yeah man!! It jumped about 8 meters out the water then fought for about 45 mins before we got it on the boat! Best tasting fish I've ever had in my life!!

Sent from Fraggle Rock!!
Best fight I had was with an Albacore. Mainly because I wasn't expecting it. We were hooking blue's by the dozens, and I think I interrupted an Albacore's dinner. Fought like a sum-bitch for it's size.. mayby 18 inches long.. could have been more... Got it out of the water and the oddest thing happened. It just stiffened up. Best way I can describe it is that it looked like it was ready to mount to a plaque.

Damn tasty little fella, though.
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