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:cheers: :smokeout: amen to that! .......... dude I envy the tent! I'm seriously contemplating a 3x3 for some ID-OD auto action! I'm COB'ed aplenty, ditto for genetics,... so behind on this due to circumstances,.. I must run the last of the HighRise GHD x C99's, or beggar somebody to take them and do repro',... nearly extinct by now I imagine and too bad because to date this is still one of the best auto's I've run!
What does GHD stand for bro? That sounds like a wicked hybrid. I would love to try her.
DJ Penguin (better late than never) in da house.
eP, how's it flapping my friend?

:cheers: :smokeout: amen to that! .......... dude I envy the tent! I'm seriously contemplating a 3x3 for some ID-OD auto action! I'm COB'ed aplenty, ditto for genetics,... so behind on this due to circumstances,.. I must run the last of the HighRise GHD x C99's, or beggar somebody to take them and do repro',... nearly extinct by now I imagine and too bad because to date this is still one of the best auto's I've run!
Shame I'm not further along with my breeding plans, but I'm only going to do my first pollen chucking this summer. Otherwise I'd offer to help! But breeding noob (me) is not suitable for important preservation work...
@Mike20132 :cuss: sucky indeed! But bless him for trying nonetheless,... last I heard that die-off syndrome was linked to compromised immune systems from various pesticide exposures,... disease and parasites descend and hammer them,...
I can't speak to the cause of the damage to the bees. It seems to be the pesticides, but I am not convinced that's the only factor. Either way, at least locally here, they seem to be not as badly affected. There is lots of information on what everyone can do to help the honeybees. Something as simple as putting a jar of sugar-syrup hanging from a tree branch (especially in the fall) will do wonders to help. I put about 4 of them out on my land last fall, and they were emptied within 6 hours. I kept refilling them until the weather got so cold the bees stop venturing outside the hives. Any hive that was short on honey for the season probably benefited nicely from all the extra sugar.

You take a quart-sized mason jar, fill it with a nice thick sugar syrup, then poke teeny holes in the lid and hang upside down from a tree branch. Preferably high enough that deer or other animal can't get to it. The liquid will be viscous enough that it wont flow out of the jar, and within an hour or so, the bees will find it. There are lots of designs on youtube.

The way I see it, if the bees go, we go. So it's worth a little effort to help 'em along.
:rofl: no shit Dude! When the Lady woke up this morning I said Happy 420! She said "Everyday is 420!" hahaha! and in 2020 it will be 420 for a whole month :crying:

come to think of it, yer she right you know. There is no diffence in the day, still stoned... but I have my 420 T shirt on
I've been djing psytrance since 99. All over the UK, free partys, clubs, festivals. Played some massive partys back in the day. Still do but not as much as I did a few years back, the family has turned up and it was never a real job... no real money in the UK psy sence
My respect, Slater. You did your thang, it's more than most get to experience. I have fiddled around with FL Studio, Reason, and Logic, but I'd kill for the money to get that setup that Reggie Watt plays with. Im pretty good at making noise, at least the wife yells at me enough about it.
What does GHD stand for bro? That sounds like a wicked hybrid. I would love to try her.
I think it's Cres' GHaze auto x unknkown Diesel,... there's also GHz99 (GHaze auto x C99 x (C99 photo)....
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