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Hey Duggy whats in the bowl ?? :thumbsup:

i dont know...i tag the site with pics but you cant tag vids i dont think. Is there some sort of magic upload to AFN or something?

I'll check for you...:headbang:..I'm sure there is some sort of link up..but I'm tech handicapped...
Well I think @Mossy gave us early service yesterday with the golden oldies!

nd I have reported it to Interpol. Taken screen shots, compiled them and sent to Geneva. A car will be there soon @Mossy to take you to the Haigh for sentencing!


Taking names for the [HASHTAG]#naughtystep[/HASHTAG] ..:doc3:
Good Morning [HASHTAG]#afnstoners[/HASHTAG] :bighug: Happy 4.20

[HASHTAG]#afnnightshift[/HASHTAG] Thank You for looking after stand down...[HASHTAG]#afndayshift[/HASHTAG] reporting for duty..:salute:

Joints & coffee in the staff room...:pass:..share them out.........Im looking for a really [HASHTAG]#high team[/HASHTAG] today.

You don't Have to be Stoned to work Helps...:crying:

Got an hour to catch up with any over night problems............then I'm getting the Jukebox keys..........:eyebrows:

You have been Warned...:biggrin:

Good day and happy 420 Mossy:bighug:
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