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Right... So where am I dj'ing from? Here yeah got it......

Take the Torch..and light everyone up as they come in...........


10.30am and bowl number 2 of the day White Crack flower topped of with Sour Stomper kief hash, so yeah doing pretty damn good cheers for asking ;)

Hi Aunty all settled back in nicely and recovered from my canna binge in the South. Got 5 out of 12 sprouts up so far from the beans i got germing in @hairyman 1L SOG open challenge thread, that and enjoying the early arrival of the sun is making for a pretty damn good 4:20.

Hope all is well with you and hubby hope you both have a fantastic 4:20 :pass:(pass it along when you done sure there be plenty of takers in here)
sweet as mate I'm about to drop 2ml thc/cbd oil I made and then cook some dinner before it kicks in:baked:
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sweet as mate I'm about to drop 2ml thc/cbd oil I made and then cook some dinner before it kicks in:baked:

I has 3 scrambled eggs for breakfast...:chef:..Instant food from before we had microwaves and take aways...:biggrin:

2 for me...and the 3rd for the dog Tax I have to pay every time I eat...

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