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Good! Was sidelined for awhile after a car accident (yay concussion!) but pretty much good to go now, just a little more forgetful haha. Figured I'd drop in and get back up to speed around here finally. :biggrin:
Oh Shit! SOrry to hear that! Glad to hear you are doing better, I do hope you have no lasting effects. :bighug:Glad to see you back at it:pass:

howdy peeps :pass:
Afternoon Archie:pass:
Oh Shit! SOrry to hear that! Glad to hear you are doing better, I do hope you have no lasting effects. :bighug:Glad to see you back at it:pass:

Yeah man, pretty much good to go now. Neurologist and my primary doc wouldn't let me smoke for a month though. I thought I was gonna die!

And what's this about @archie gemmill getting heating oil stolen? That's downright rude...
Oh, trust me I know. I was messed up enough that I wasn't trying to argue though even though I knew better. The day I got the go-ahead was freakin sweet though, let me tell you. :hookah:

I bet you had zero tolerance and got high as fook:baked:
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