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family member as cleaner? Stoner cleaner?, hmm, that could be risky 2:rofl:
A stoner cleaner, haha, I can see that going a little like this...
"Hey Swan, so I found your stash whilst cleaning the cupboard and I gave it a little clean up of its own.... and now you have none left!
Oh and then I spent the next 3hrs polishing an extremely fascinating egg cup"

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A stoner cleaner, haha, I can see that going a little like this...
"Hey Swan, so I found your stash whilst cleaning the cupboard and I gave it a little clean up of its own.... and now you have none left!
Oh and then I spent the next 3hrs polishing an extremely fascinating egg cup"

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did you know that Stan Laurel of Laurel and Hardy fame, was a keen hydroponic gardener, and once successfully cross bred a potato and an onion.....but couldn't find anyone to try it........WTF##!!??........skabooooooosh mind blown!!.........oniato??....ponion??.......zzzzzzddd..
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