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Same here pal.

I'm gettng closer to sustainability all the time. Now if the climate refugee forced marches don't make it this far, and the water doesn't rise past the Appalachians, I might be able be able to leave behind a livable piece of earth for someone in the process.
Good stuff Bro!! Same Goals
Was helping the GF unload her packed to the gills garage. Found 4 pocket pistols and a bunch of that weird sized ammo. Her Dad had em squirreled away in antique suitcases buried under a mountain of crap. Worth about 3 to 500 each. Two of em had a recall on them too, so I had her ship em off to be cleaned up and parted for free.
Lots of open land around us.
Morning stoners.

I'm a cheapskate, So I'll figure something out, I'm sure, even if it means dropping back to a 5 gallon bucket haha

You are right about roots and fruits.

Big is not always best.
With autos you have a limited time in the grow phase. I am finding that the plant is in veg for 3 to 4 weeks. So for me a 3 gallon pot is about the right size as the plant it is not becoming root bound in soil. Another thing I use for pot selection is I want to water twice a day. So the pot has to be able to hold enough moisture to last 12 hours at full flower drink rates. Summer I use 3g pots and winter drop it down to 2g pots. I don't like to use pots bigger than necessary because it is to easy to over water and they take too long for the pots to dry up. It comes back to short times.
If I was growing coco it would be 2g grow bags with blumats for big plants.
That's just Beautiful
Thanks, sometimes I feel it's a blessing being out here, other times I hate it.

is that a desert thunderhead? lemme guess what I see there.

mid april showers, somewhere between Santa Fe and Phoenix. ?

how far off am I?

shit. It could be Sonoma for all I know.
Well Phx is about 4hrs away and Abq is 4hrs away. We were supposed to get rain/snow today but that never happened. Now the dark clouds rolled back in but are dispersing again. Looking at the weather forecast is like :deadhorse:
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