Ok...so here's a little Live Stoner sharing moment, just because I'm felling pretty good and not low (taking a week off for Xmas has done wonders for my tolerance) and the song just came up in my playlist and for some reason I remembered the first time I ever heard it. A little light reading for everyone else while I'm still catching up the last dozen or so pages tonight.
It's back twenty something years ago. I'd only just really started smoking weed in the last maybe year or two. So tolerance still nothing and I can easily get high most nights off a few good pipe hits. I'd just picked up the CD "Welcome To My Dream" by MC 900 Foot Jesus, and I fire up several bowls ahead of popping it into the player to get into a really, really good state of mind to give it the first listen. So there I am, good and very high sitting alone in the dark in my little apartment and six tracks into it the song comes on.
At his point, it helps to know that I'm usually a very introverted person. But, back then I'd never really heard the word introvert or put together two and two to realize that it was how I was and why I didn't quite feel like I saw things the way my other, mostly extroverted acquaintances did. All I knew, for pretty much most of my life at that point, was that I just didn't usually feel like I "fit in".
So there I sit, stoned off my ass listening to some good tunes and this song came on. Don't know that I've ever had a piece of music make me think my stereo was talking to ME before I'd heard this. Freaked me out to be honest at first. Was like the thing had come to life, looked into my head and was talking to me. Freaky times, but fun memory.
P.S....Really good album if you're into that kind of music.