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Thank you trailanimal. But without you guys she wouldnt have got that big. I did not know how a calcium deficiency looked like. I did not know how green she could be without beeing toxic green. All this i learned with this girl. I could see she was talking with me, but i could not understand what she said, so i asked, and the friendly guys here at AFN teached me to understand the language of cannabis.
Still some things to learn, like how to spot the very first sign of P-Def/or when its time to start give extra of it.
I think we all have similar learning experience, a safe place to share and grow
Thank you trailanimal. But without you guys she wouldnt have got that big. I did not know how a calcium deficiency looked like. I did not know how green she could be without beeing toxic green. All this i learned with this girl. I could see she was talking with me, but i could not understand what she said, so i asked, and the friendly guys here at AFN teached me to understand the language of cannabis.
Still some things to learn, like how to spot the very first sign of P-Def/or when its time to start give extra of it.
I have a similar experience here too, a safeplace to learn and grow and share
I will accept complete responsibility for starting this stimulating conversation on coco vs Pro mix :biggrin: Thank you @Unique you have convinced me . I wish we could have more discussion about this type of information a lot more information is passed back and forth and saves me having to do a lot of reading that I don't enjoy ( short Attention span ) :rofl:
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