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@Cotton46 ..Hows your Double Grape girl doing? Heres mine...Dec 16, Dec 26

GSC 12-155.jpg
Yeah..I was going to say I could do it cheaper for you...:crying:..then I realised I would be Double Positive...:crying:

Hubby says I'll have problems if the bring drug sniffing dogs into the airports coz the cannabis is systemic in my body....


NSW's finest hard at work. It's good to see they have their policing priorities in order.

Aw maaan..:doh:..I Forgot...

Has anyone who smokes a lot of cannabis tested Positive for TNT at the airport...?

I swear the last 3 times through customs I have been stopped and searched...and 2 of them I set the alarms off for TNT...FFS...I nearly pooped the first time..I mean TNT...:yoinks:.....

BUT..the only thing I can Think of is it is one of the constituant parts of Cannabinoids that is proving a false reading.

Has it happened to anyone else...?

Now that you mention it yes.

I used to work at the airport and have swiped positive to TNT on many occasions. The testers would disregard it saying it was just background noise. I just put it down to chemicals and whatnot that I used through out the day. But this puts a whole new spin on things.
NSW's finest hard at work. It's good to see they have their policing priorities in order.

Now that you mention it yes.

I used to work at the airport and have swiped positive to TNT on many occasions. The testers would disregard it saying it was just background noise. I just put it down to chemicals and whatnot that I used through out the day. But this puts a whole new spin on things.

me too last July
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