That really IS the spirit of Christmas
@Kneehigh85 ..hope you and the family have a great day.
..the girls will now die slowly..inch by'll hear their screams in your nigtmares..coz they'll blame you..any bud in place will sour on the branch.....
..and give you paranoia...
Okay..I'm Joking.....
..nowt will happen to them....
@EvilScotsman .. mother says it is kind warm and soggy...
Did you see all the snow the Canadians have been getting over night....?
Better them than me...I only want to see snow on xmas cards..
What's with the Buckfast.....?...
@epenguin was having some the other night...i thought it was tonic wine and tasted awful...?
Certainly seemed had the penguin singing and swearing in staffroom the other night....