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Merry Christmas Root :bighug:

Merry Christmas @1939bear
Gooooood morning everyone!!!!! Had a great Christmas eve, saw lots of family and friends.. Went to check on my seedlings this morning and noticed all 3 of my pepper plants had MASSIVE aphid infestations and some of them started moving over to the seedlings.. Cut down the peppers and sprayed all of the surfaces with bleach. Now, it appears, I have to completely sterilize my grow room, between pollen, aphids and who knows what else!!!

Hope you guys have a better start to your holidays!!
you want me to critique your grow?lol okay. sure.

well not knowing what soil mix and feeding cycle(s) your on but overall because of the Peat AND the coco mix it dries fast fast.especially when the air is sucking the moisture right out of it and floors are cold. so you get a double whammy in tjhe drying and cooling the pots off quick quick. thats

then becasue of the faster drying out and less body of the soil for life and foods to HOLD the food(s) and life and moisture to actually FEED the plant rather that a hard root development. thats were a lotta people tend to fail man. plus ait pots so actually it a triple whammy lol. thats it in a nutshell. I doubt the genetics are crap,Id imagine theyre great/so thats the way Id look. lights maybe. but from the ground up right?lol so,soil mix needs work.
thats why you get the off green colors even under white light tech typically. for the boosters so to speak to work they need life and higher levels of foods to the texture is a delicate balabnce within good indoor pot grown organic herbals. smaller plants or even stunted plants. thats what I see bro. fully honest. dont take offense :) dont that thing there many times myself,. sooooo I kinda recognize it well. lol
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