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:zen: [HASHTAG]#viberestore[/HASHTAG] point set up in [HASHTAG]#livestoners[/HASHTAG] for anyone who has had too much

Good will
Excited children


If you get a break repeat after me..

Sit down somewhere comfortable..spark up a joint...:smoker:


I said Hold...

Now let it out...cough..


World feel so much better now huh..?

Repeat as needed..Dope is the antidote to Christmas stress...:hookah:..take Frequently as Needed
Happy festivus @Mossy :toke:

I wanted to ask if one can make a retrospective journal? As in, I'm well over day 60 and I have the whole grow documented (pictures, info) but I haven't bothered to make a thread. Would that still be considered a valid full journal? Thanks


Merry Christmas @TehSnow :bighug:

What's the journal or..just documenting..?..if so I See no problem..

merry xmas everyone!!

Merry Christmas @EvilScotsman :bighug:..have you got snow..?

guess its time to medicate lol

It's ALWAYS time to medicate @Eyes on Fire :pass:..sharing one.
oh no : ( its only just occured to me were going to the mother in laws and none of that side of the family know we smoke.... mrs will be fine without but i give it till about half an hour after dinner before i get busted. bollocks lol.
fuckin 31 n still havin to hide round hedges n make excuses about needin “a walk to sober up” its rediculous.
almost as rediculous as the fact that nobody seems to notice i always come back 3 times worse :baked:
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