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Hi @Renaissance Redneck lucky you with the tamales. Didn't get to make them this year. Right now we're on a water shortage since the well pump went tits up. Have little bit of water in the storage tank so hoping to get another pump before it runs out.
Aw hell. Had to change our pump a few years ago.... about 600 ft of pipe to pull :yoinks: Cost more to get to the pump than to replace it.

Hammer or the other one I can't think of the name of right now?
I'm never gonna laugh at someone who's learning an instrument... Bad juju happens when you do. Worse than getting herpes from playing bass with your tallywhacker at an old folks home fundraiser, even.
Appalachian. Might go electric next year if funds allow:shooty:
Aw hell. Had to change our pump a few years ago.... about 600 ft of pipe to pull :yoinks: Cost more to get to the pump than to replace it.

Appalachian. Might go electric next year if funds allow:shooty:
Merry Xmas redneck
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