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Heyo! whats up farmers?
Quick question to people growing in soil and 20L(5,3gal) pots. How often do you usually water and how much?
Ive been watering with weekly intervals and about 2-2,5L each time. Am i doin it right?
This first grow is really eating up my nerves lol, cant stop thinking im doing something wrong etc :sadcry:
If you have time, pls check out my journal...
Festivus cheers grobro! on my way over
The forecast is saying some snow today down to 5000ft elevation but even thou it would be nice to get some I think they are wrong. It's just gonna be another cold and windy day. I'm not looking forward to having to go into town again today. But we have to get the brakes/rotors replaced before my family leaves to head down to the valley on Christmas day. I'll be here at home while they are gone for the week so I have my family here at AFN to keep me company.
mornin everyone

Did you guys hear @PlatinumLEDTom is going to be here for a live interview today! i think in 2 hours.

Make sure to come show some love and ask some questions

That is correct....2 pm ET. Looking forward to it!
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