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Good Morning [HASHTAG]#afnstoners[/HASHTAG] :smoker:..sharing one.

mornin troops. oh how the mighty have fallen. couple months ago i was getting 250 a shift..... today im off for an induction in a fish filleting factory. quality. minimal wage and i get to come home smellin like a cheap hooker. just what ive always wanted lol.

Oh god @EvilScotsman .:nono:..Sorry to hear that.

Yeah man, last time I posted a link outside of this website, epenguin lost a few feathers on me so I haven't done so since...

It is to stop Drive-by Flamming......:headbang:...if we allow outside Links we get trolled to hell by Advertising crews who are paid to sign up and drop links..:spam:.............:troll:...........

I hear you . I didn't know they were that strict. But then Bears eat penguins so maybe that's why he doesn't hassle me . :biggrin:


Pedestrians being run down with intent



Hey @Mossy or @Son of Hobbes how would you like to drop in and give us some clarification on this delicate matter as to what can or cannot be posted in regards to growing our beloved plant ?? :toke:


This will bring @Mossy out . :biggrin:

Good Morning [HASHTAG]#afnstoners[/HASHTAG] :smoker:..sharing one.

Oh god @EvilScotsman .:nono:..Sorry to hear that.

It is to stop Drive-by Flamming......:headbang:...if we allow outside Links we get trolled to hell by Advertising crews who are paid to sign up and drop links..:spam:.............:troll:...........




Thanks Mossy That thought never crossed my mind but I can see how that could be a problem . Cheers :bow:
Good Morning [HASHTAG]#afnstoners[/HASHTAG] :smoker:..sharing one.

Oh god @EvilScotsman .:nono:..Sorry to hear that.

It is to stop Drive-by Flamming......:headbang:...if we allow outside Links we get trolled to hell by Advertising crews who are paid to sign up and drop links..:spam:.............:troll:...........





No problem, I wasn't aware at the time, I get it though..I just don't want to get booted so I don't post any..Good morning Mossy
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