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nope not me mate. i can hand on heart say that pretty much the only place i havent touched on that thing is the propellor as it was under water.......
i did however wrench this bad boy out of the manual rudder control unit around about 9U somewhere the week before i got paid off : ) not sure whats happened but the things gonna sink eventually anyway. already sank once in the dock. get serious floods somewhere on the ship at least once a day aswell. im amazed its made it this far. itll never make the sea though. full ships gotta get shelled and rebuilt first. everything on its already 7 years out of date and fucked :smoking:. was always planned for it to be fully shelled and refitted aswell. they dont tell you that in the papers though. made me sign a secrecy act during the induction but only 1 person on here knows who i am so i dont mind sharing lol.
None of that surprises me at all......i once went to stravanger in norway to go on tow with a flotel that had just been in for a marine MOT.....spent the whole trip with about a 15degree list while the leg took on more water than they could pump out .......spent the last 5 yrs on one of the north seas most famous was old school rig built useing a framed rig ,half of it was so dangerous it was condemned with cracks in the main supports that a diver could put his whole arm in ,about 2 metres long and that was just one there were loads of them .......i think during decommission shell(oops did i say that) are hoping it will disintegrate........never mind its us the tax payers who are paying 50%of the cost of it .....given a choice shell would leave it to look like the nigerian delta....[emoji111]
I know who it is, it's Puff Puff Pass Cultivar. They claimed to be a redistributor of Mephisto Genetics (and based out of the USA,) I messaged Mephisto and they did verify it as well (so they're good on that front.) Issue is they don't have a working website right now (payment processing problems) and they like to sell on FB (which I HATE, it's sooooooo sketchy how these guys just hand out information to complete and random strangers on there man, crazy shit.) But we've actually talked about seeing if they'd want to come on as a seed bank (they offer a few things) if they can get a working and legit website up to bring up their professional game a bit. Seem like cool guys from when I've talked with them, but I'm not buying seeds on facebook man lol. That's silly.

seriously. I was shitting a brick the first time I gave an AFN'er my digits. I still do. Hell no would use FB.
before the trim of bush
Bro I could show you
kinda like hand fishing for giant flat head cats.
Can be fun. Sure get a big fish with your hands. Or a beaver. Or get caught in brush pile. Or stuck. Or a few fingers taken off by a turtle.
Ill stick to my rod n reel thanks
Pictures that will blow your mind hahaha raised up on catfish and most caught with bare hands✌️
Bro I could show you

Pictures that will blow your mind hahaha raised up on catfish and most caught with bare hands✌️
wish i could edit facebook pics and show a few my self.
All 10 lb test lol. But i love fishing for cats. Not my fav to eat tho. Just fun fishing for me. And i like to think im pretty damned good at cats. My pops is real damn good.
We mostly go after bigger channels and flats.
Can catch under 5s all day long. We like them 15-20 lb channels and them giant flatties lol.
Oddly. Only see the flatties in 2 sizes. Babies and giants. Have yet to see a 5-40lb flat. Just small or BIG lol
wish i could edit facebook pics and show a few my self.
All 10 lb test lol. But i love fishing for cats. Not my fav to eat tho. Just fun fishing for me. And i like to think im pretty damned good at cats. My pops is real damn good.
We mostly go after bigger channels and flats.
Can catch under 5s all day long. We like them 15-20 lb channels and them giant flatties lol.
Oddly. Only see the flatties in 2 sizes. Babies and giants. Have yet to see a 5-40lb flat. Just small or BIG lol
I'm talking 30-40 pounders mostly Flathead and Mudcat but it's all in how there cook if I will eat them or not the Mudcats can be nasty but white meat fish is hard to beat lol and I'm more of a pole Fisher anymore my days of getting held under to get a good grip on a monster has passed hahaha I'm not as young as I was. But I love all sorts of fishing even if I don't catch any✌️
I'm talking 30-40 pounders mostly Flathead and Mudcat but it's all in how there cook if I will eat them or not the Mudcats can be nasty but white meat fish is hard to beat lol and I'm more of a pole Fisher anymore my days of getting held under to get a good grip on a monster has passed hahaha I'm not as young as I was. But I love all sorts of fishing even if I don't catch any✌️
yup cuz im still catching a buzz on the water. Zen
His head is big enough bro, you should have just said it could have been better lol

What strain is that ash?
is locomotion x star killer
Both cup winners. Not a stable seed tho. 1st breed of the strains from my buddy
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