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I don’t have 200 bucks lol it was a cheap one til I can get something decent like you’re describing

the best thing i did for macro shots was investing in a simple tripod ... that made a huge difference ... im still on the included optics on my d3200...

Hoping for a macro lens for christmas ;)
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on the NEED list. You can never have too many.
on the NEED list. You can never have too many.

right now if you would ask me if i wanted 10 of the newest Mephisto crosses or 10 BBG ... i would take the BlackberryGum ...

have u tried rubbing a stem ... OMG just pure Black Berry Current Jam ! and the buds are close behind in smell !
signing off ... been working all night on my growing database ...

but we are getting close to 6am ... and even the wicked need sleep

Take care all u lovely people :bighug:
the best thing i did for macro shots was investing in a simple tripod ... that made a huge difference ... im still on the included optics on my d3200...

Hoping for a macro lens for christmas ;)

Yes!! Tripod makes things wayyyyy easier!! I often set mine up on a stack of books for the real closeup shots(when i don't haul the tripod out i mean) and use a 3 second timer, hit the button, let it stabilize and whammo...perfect pics.
right now if you would ask me if i wanted 10 of the newest Mephisto crosses or 10 BBG ... i would take the BlackberryGum ...

have u tried rubbing a stem ... OMG just pure Black Berry Current Jam ! and the buds are close behind in smell !
I'm on the hunt for some. Haven't seen them listed on the seedbanks yet and can't order direct as they don't ship to US. My wife just made some Blackberry jam that is so good. Now I can even smoke it if I can get some seeds here.
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