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Filling the 40 gallon hillbilly rdwc tonight. How long do you think I should let the water flow to get as dechlorinated as possible?
A day or two?
Once it doesn't smell like I pulled it from a swimming pool, I'm going to throw a Gorilla Glue [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] seed in there, since I have more of those then any other strain.
Any tips on growing that strain?

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Gassing off Chlorine is pretty fast..24 hours, an airstone will speed it up and should be good. I would worry more about has a very slow evaporation rate, hence why it used to sanitize water supply in tap.
Either you can buy a sticker and get a free light or buy a light for a free sticker. The raw part is the stickers cost 129.99:rofl::rofl:. Jk! I actually don’t link peoples Afn names to sales so I would need your address again by pm if you want some stickers. Just got a stack of 500 in. Let me know how many you want and I’ll get them out.
...............(scampers in)......WOOF!.....(looks at number of comments on thread---says to self "long night of reading")
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