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people in the village use heat guns to get their snogos going in "deep" cold

We used a hair dryer once to get a van running again.

Was long ago when I was still maybe a pre-teen. Family was going on a road trip to visit someone somewhere (I forget the details...probably grandparents in Alabama) and left in mid winter. Hit a big snow storm just a few hundred miles from home. Were still moving along OK when the van suddenly started sputtering and dying. Dad was able to get it to the shoulder of the road, and there we sat for a while (no cell phones at this time) until a snow plow stopped, picked us up, and gave us all a ride to town. Ended up spending the night on Salvation Army cots with lots of other stuck travelers in the local high school gymnasium of whatever small town we were stuck in.

Anyhow, next morning after the van was towed to town, the hood gets popped open and we find that the air intake that has the tube ducted down to an intake vent right behind the grill had channeled lots-o-snow right up into the air filter housing to the point it had gotten packed tight all the way around the filter and no air was getting through. sat there working it all over melting everything and drying it all out for a long time with a hair dryer. Then it cranked right over, started right up, and we were back on the road. :jointman:

P.S...for those gear heads out there, this was in the pre-fuel injector days, so picture the old carburetor with a round air filter setup.
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