@Renaissance Redneck ...don't tell anyone else...but..it is 7 years...

....@son of hobbes just called me a Daft Old Bat in the staffroom...Ooooooops............. [HASHTAG]#mossymoment[/HASHTAG]
Looks Amazing....

..have you sneak tested it...?..

..old rule Dragons must kick from dry coz med patients may not have time for the Cure..
Get Out
@Ash-a-Ton ..

...you've already Won more Battles in 2017 than anyone else..in your first Year of Growing...

and you are looking to get Better......

...bugger off..we aren't teaching you any more..there will be no Prizes for anyone else...

..just you and
@AJrexxx sitting on piles of 2018 Kit...
We are telling you Nowt.....

I bought two when I set up..one the Expensive..recommended on AFN ..Hanna Combo..which I had Problems with..
Great when it worked..but had a Button fault on both I bought..from Amazon..
The other was in the £25 bracket from Amazon HM digital.. and I have used it almost every day for around 6 years..


Yeah..do I need get Rosa..?

Did it go over Amber....?
Sound rude..

..I'll not ask..
How you treating it..?
Don't encourage him

...Tell him nowt...
MeThinks we need some PH/EC vendors on site so we can Run our own Tests...


hsoil:..I don't Trust Amazon Reviews as much as I do our inhouse [HASHTAG]#livereviewsbyhumans[/HASHTAG]
I'm with
@pop22 ..I run both and find both equally strong..

..I Need pain meds..and some Crosses just don't Work for me at all..but that is a Variety thing..no confined to photo or autos.
Maybe you are picking the wrong variety for you....?