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Another year has come and gone and a new has has presented it's self so I would like to say Happy New Year and may this new one bring you joy , happiness and success at the things that are important to you . :thumbsup:
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Health & Happiness for 2018 @1939bear :cheersmate:..Thank you for all the [HASHTAG]#beartracks[/HASHTAG] 2017..:hippy:
hmm i gave him a poke n he looks pretty dead lol. ill wrap him in a towel and put him on the radiator just incase though. never knew that. cheers mos : ) and a happy new year to your lovely self

No..neither did I until After I threw my sons in the bin..:yoinks:

It was in my sons bedroom and we didn't have central heating at the time.
You could see it stiffen up..then it keeled over...looked was stiff..:shrug:..but it was hibernating

Just Thinking with the cold patch that has hit you over the last few days..maybe similar...:headbang:
hmm i gave him a poke n he looks pretty dead lol. ill wrap him in a towel and put him on the radiator just incase though. never knew that. cheers mos : ) and a happy new year to your lovely self
Sorry to hear that Scottie . On a brighter side it could have been one of your plants . :nono:
aaaaaaaggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! just went through my pics from last night.
was mortal so completely forgot untill i found the vid. this thing was fuckin crazy! it was big, had blue and red flashing lights and hovered perfectly in the sky for a minuit. then shot off to the other side of the sky and came to an instant stop and hovered again. never seen anythin like it. was completely silent and just about made me shit myself! ill get the vid up later im actually BUZZIN!!!!!
aaaaaaaggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! just went through my pics from last night.
was mortal so completely forgot untill i found the vid. this thing was fuckin crazy! it was big, had blue and red flashing lights and hovered perfectly in the sky for a minuit. then shot off to the other side of the sky and came to an instant stop and hovered again. never seen anythin like it. was completely silent and just about made me shit myself! ill get the vid up later im actually BUZZIN!!!!!
This is gonna be interesting.

No..neither did I until After I threw my sons in the bin..:yoinks:

It was in my sons bedroom and we didn't have central heating at the time.
You could see it stiffen up..then it keeled over...looked was stiff..:shrug:..but it was hibernating

Just Thinking with the cold patch that has hit you over the last few days..maybe similar...:headbang:
yeah that sounds like what happened. as a rodent specialist pest controller youd think id know that but hamsters arent in the big book lol.
yeah that sounds like what happened. as a rodent specialist pest controller youd think id know that but hamsters arent in the big book lol.

Hamsters arent in ANY book.
Unless you are Freddie Starr

This is gonna be interesting.

mate i nearly blew my load. gotta wait till i get wifi later to upload it. its a shit video cos from my phone and at night but can see the lights on it for 10 seconds or so then i lost sight for a bit. it came back but my phone wouldnt focus so can barely see it but its there like. never seen anythin like it. flew what i imagine to be a mile or so in under a second then stopped dead. hovered about a bit then flew back to exactly where it was just as quickly. could see it for a good 3 minuits or so. could hear folk up the street shoutin about it aswell. i can now die a happy man : ) wether or not any else belives im not fussed. wont go much into it on here or ill get in trouble for starting arguments lol
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