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Hell yeah!! Nice Skelly!! I decided to plant tonight... Planting into the new year! Beautiful job brother.

Happy New Years Arch!!!

Hey @Rebel I am new around here. When you have time can you fix me up with some badges:
  • Live Stoner
  • New to AFN
  • eP's Live Intro
  • Certified AFN Lurker
Thanks and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Sure! I'll fix you up! Happy New Year!

That is BAD ASS!!!!! looks like I got a new avatar!! Thanks bud!!

Same to you Archie, and all you Stoners. It's amateur night out there so watch out. This year you gotta worry about frostbite too. This and St. Patricks. Two nights I leave to the power drinkers. I don't leave the house.

Amen to that!! Listening to the scanner too. Already nailing drunk drivers. One was a fatality this morning. Drunk hit a tree head on. Tree won. Alcohol.. population control!

Just smoked some of my 1st grown buds and I'M STONED

Congrats!!! Best feeling ever!!

Mimic the masters...and then become one yourself!

Spoken like a true master!

:pass: check your inbox Skelly... I want to make a donation for the next under the sun grow... :pass:
Love having all day off to play with camera....although it was crappy outside..Plenty to shoot in the tent..Meet my Double Grape..shes kinda an unruly girl, she gets defoliated and tied up some more tomorrow. Marco shooting if my favorite..because of the challenge and it is awesome being able to get close to a world we rarely pay attention to, or .
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