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Hoping someone could answer this, my furnace went out last night and temps dropped to about 50F, I had 2 seeds under UFO light so I don't think it's adding much heat. Do you guys think these seeds will still germinate or should I go ahead and get some more seeds going?
broke out the macro lens..GirlScout Cookie will be your Model for the day..bored waiting for the wife to get home....more to come..
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Nice ... the nugs and the photos! I splurged and bought myself a Sigma 105mm f2.8 macro and Kenko extension tubes for Christmas. Haven't had time to play yet. I figure lighting will be my challenge, but will see how I can manage. Maybe I can get good trich pix now.
Hoping someone could answer this, my furnace went out last night and temps dropped to about 50F, I had 2 seeds under UFO light so I don't think it's adding much heat. Do you guys think these seeds will still germinate or should I go ahead and get some more seeds going?
should be ok, got temp back up? In my greenhouse 50 is very warm night temp
thanks for the hunting luck ar15
Congrats on the Caribou. Are you going back out to get a stockpile of meat? I have to put in for the Elk hunt this year. Then get my Dr to sign off on the paper so I can hunt from the vehicle. Couple hoops to go through but I want to be legal.
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