Outdoor Crow's GG at 56ºN

It's all coming together, you might find that some of them are suffering from Transplant Shock, some autos can be a bit touchy. I'm hopeful they'll bounce back for you and get their grow on.
For sure, it's definitely not my preferred option to transplant autos while in flower! But I needed to free space in the veg cab. It's all knock-on effects from losing two plots back in May...

We'll see how the girls get on. Heavy rain forecast for tomorrow, so here's hoping they recover over the next week or so.
The first few autos from @Sawney_bean have broken soil. These will be for "plant and forget" GG grows. Hopefully the others are not far behind...

Stopped by the main Auto Duck plot yesterday evening, just to check how the girls are getting on after the downpour. They're fine, growing well in early flower and bushing out, especially the largest girl. I gave them some tomato feed and weeded the pots a bit, topped up the slug pellets. Lovely aroma comes off the big girl when touched. Didn't have time to visit the two smaller girls, next time.large.IMG_20230619_202804_245.jpeg.c08891b05b917b4bc0866fc6c830d300.jpeglarge.IMG_20230619_202811_630.jpeg.fd91186bf8b40aeb4776e76188ed0f32.jpeglarge.IMG_20230619_202829_341.jpeg.b78118f582d545024a22391067ba0088.jpeglarge.IMG_20230619_202837_033.jpeg.72b220338ce7b2fefb030a1d8da27ad0.jpeglarge.IMG_20230619_202847_325.jpeg.b955e180c0661149ad87e018a92f3244.jpeg
Late yesterday evening went to the new photoperiod plot to dig to over. Took tools with me, plus a block of coco. Had originally planned to visit before the big downpour on Sunday, but didn't manage. Would have been handy for the coco.

Forked over an area approximately 2 x 2 metres, trying to position it so it faces south. There's what looks like an old sack of coal in the middle of the clearing, so had to work around that. Despite the rain the other night, the soil is still dry as dust. The grass and weeds must have soaked up all the moisture before it could go any deeper. Removed the turf layer, plus some stubborn roots from saplings, brambles, roses.

That's the first stage done. Next visit I'll bring compost and probably some water to make up the coco. Might extend the dug area slightly. I'll dig holes for the six plants currently in the veg cab, plus three clones. Mix my amendments in, then the visit after that will be plant out.

There are a lot of bunny rabbits in the area, saw three this visit and one last. Also foxes prowling around. So I'll need cages or a perimeter fence, haven't decided which yet.

It was after sunset when I left, so pics are a bit dark...

Yesterday was Summer Solstice. The days start getting shorter, little by little, from today until late December. I had hoped to plant out my photoperiod girls by now, but it will be next week most likely.

This evening I did manage to visit the two smaller Auto Ducks. Gave them some tomato feed as they are just starting to flower. The taller of the two has been nibbled quite a lot by caterpillars - spotted a few butterflies nearby (Cabbage White by the looks of them). Not sure I can do about it other than fine mesh netting. Bit late now... The shorter girl is fine. Both are a bit behind the other, larger girls but they don't get as many hours of sun so no surprise.

Some of the pics are a bit out of focus, sorry.

This evening I visited the new auto plot. Took 10 litres of water with some liquid seaweed added to give to the girls. I reckon the downpour on Sunday came at the right time: that and another batch of rain a couple of days ago have been very beneficial. The soil still has a bit of moisture in it (heavy clay with a lot of stones), and weeds were starting to sprout, as are the onions I planted in-between the girls. I did a bit of weeding, fed all the girls, pulled off a few dead or dying leaves.

I have to say that mostly the ladies are doing quite well. I'm really pleased with how well they have endured that incredibly dry spell we had. All the ones that were a bit sad or poorly are looking much healthier now. Even the poor wee Triton Bicotto Lime clone seems to be fighting back. Cannabis sure is a tough beast!

Some pics below. They were taken as the light was fading, so some camera shake on a few, some are out of focus...

A shot of the plot before watering.

Joshua clone

Thunder Banana Auto x 2

Mandarin Panties Auto


Super Kush clones x 2

Outdoor UK Auto

Biddy Early 2 Fast

Triton Biscotto Lime clone

Purple Maroc Glue

C99 x Blueberry x 2

Plot after watering and weeding