Outdoor 2019 mid Michigan Growtogrow outside

:dizzy:Big cage girls


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I had posted but it didn't appear I don't see the post anywhere.:shrug:

It really rained here over the weekend it downpoured I was caught in it trying to cover up the small cage I wasn't very successful at first covering up small cage the rain came very quick pop up shower and wind. It didn't last long and it was a downpour literally it rain so much in about 25 minutes that it broke two of the little 2x2 supports from the weight of the water on top of the cage. So I had to cut some 2 by 3s and stick them up in there to help hold the tarp up while it was still raining.
oh joy.
The joys of being a farmer.:yay:

So anyway I hadn't had any problems with the powdery mildew on the second crop for probably about 4 weeks now. So yesterday morning I go out and I see just a few. Spot of mildew here and there.:yoinks:
I got to thinking of what all kinds of stuff do I got that's organic that I can put on these crops that's not going to affect the flavor that's not going to leave a residue of pesticide that's just going to work and leave nothing. Harvest time is soon.

:woohoo: Well for the last year or so I've been working with dark brown sugar molasses and foliar sprays made with probiotic teas:jump: and
I got to thinking about how sometimes we use cider vinegar on our crops to kill P.M.
I've made observations of my crops in the paat where I've mixed molasses or dark brown sugar into my tea mixes and sprayed onto my plants and then the tea mix dries and leaves a nice sheen on plant leaf and I never see the powdery mildew after that until that Sheen wears away.
So I come up with an idea:kitty:
I said what the hell I use these probiotic teas all the time and the Boogie Brew Heavy Harvest with the sea90 in it. It has always worked really well it works even better when I use dark brown sugar with it or molasses as a p.m. preventive and feed.

So yesterday I didn't have any tea ready because it takes a day or so to get that around. And p.m. can move pretty quick.

But I had a gallon of apple cider and some dark brown sugar
I mix them together add another gallon of water to it and sprayed it on all my girl's yesterday morning the p.m. disappeared immediately and it smells like a Cider Mill with fresh-squeezed apple cider Mmm mm...
It rained all evening and last night. I uncovered the crop and looks great just a few spots on the edges were the rain got it a little bit wet here and there but not much. And no pm:smokeit: So I go in the house and I grabbed cider vinegar and put a 1/4 cup in a gallon of water with a 1/4 cup of some dark brown sugar and mix them together and poured into my sprayer and sprayed it on the plants.
I covered the girls back up cuz it was supposed to rain the rest of the day after sometime around 6 it did here and then pretty much all night until around 11 to 12 last night is about time it quit. go out this morning uncover the girls they look great out there....:frog:No PM:woody:
GTG, that was a good idea with the dark brown sugar molass and apple cider for the PM treatment. Its so dry out west in Australia towns are running out of water. Cloudy today but risk of rain is low. I collect water in bins from the rain and could take creek water but its so low atm.
That's a good tip bro thanks:thumbsup: I love it when we can use stuff from the pantry for the gardening:d5:
Yeah me too:headbang:
The vinegar and suger didn't work to well though:yellowcard: The plant's liked a lot. But I think there's not enough or ? Im aways researching.
But the Apple cider Boogie brew n molasses dark brown suger mix stuck well and the pm was hulted:condom:getting closer.
Still best bet is to keep the most resident strain for outside
Just sat here like I wish I'd put more than one auto out this year now lol I had to cut early dew to pm n lower buds rotting thru rubbing against other flowers not a loss tho really potent buds pretty hard just small n leafy roll on next year I'll be making sure all flower beds contain a weed plant or four lol keep up the good work bro very well done man I love seeing your grows..

Sent from somewhere not sure where..