New Grower Crookdog's "put another shrimp on the Barbie" multiple strain outdoor grow!!!

Are suggestions welcome or are you wanting to do this all on your own? In case they are welcome I will share something a very good friend of mine who grows exclusively outdoors says is a must in really hot sunny locations. If he used black pots he wraps them in burlap to shade them from the hot sun or else the sun will dry out the soil very quickly in the black pots especially smaller ones.
Always open to suggestions LDA....... I have been thinking about ways to cool my roots down....... Heat is a major problem and I'm thinking burlap sacks could be a very good solution....... Great idea thank you:d5::cheers:
Don’t forget the roo barrier! :thumbsup:


You don’t wanna be like this dude!

Show some pics of grow research when you get a chance i did a quick search with nothing found but isuck at searching haha.

This is the gear @Zeromitch ....... It's specifically designed for indoor growing but I've been using it outdoors for a few years now with very impressive results........ Best of all it's quite economical....... Price comes into play alot here due to the heat....... Lots of heat = lots of water = lots of nutes