Indoor Critical Jack Automatica, finished after 40 days of blooming, is that possible?

  • Thread starter Thread starter darkpat
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I am doing an autogrow and i got some Problems with that. English is not my motherlangauage but i will try my best to explain my Problems.
First: I started the grow on Halloween, i planted 3 Critical Jacks Automatica, 4 Automazar, and 5 Diesel Ryder. I am using soil (good one). I started in small Pots with PH regulated water and everything was working so far, all the seeds came out.
After a week or so, i changed Pots, i put them in bigger Pots, the Critical Jacks in 11 Liter and the others in 6,5 Liter Pots. I did no fertilization so far. I am using Canna Terra Produkts (Flores now)

OK, the plants started flowering and still everything was OK, except the size of the Plants. My Plants did not get tall, the critical Jacks are about 50 cm the smallest is ONLY 47 cm but its a flowering monster :-), the others (CJ) get around 60 cm. These are the BIGGEST Plants i got. The Automazar just get 27 cm 29 cm, 29 cm and 37 cm AND I DONT KNOW WHY. The Breeder says the Plants get up to 80 cm with a yield about 50-125 Gramm a plant...never!!!
WHY ???

OK, the other thing is, the breeder says, the critical Jack Automatica needs 55 to 63 days of flowering. The small Plant (47 cm Plant with the big buds) is now at Blooming Day 40 AND IT LOOKS FINISHED. All the hairs at the Mainbud are brown now, when i look with the Mikroskop i see a lot of amber Trichomes, or brown "Sticks" and "Balls" and some milky too. But it seems that not the whole plant is finish, just that big main bud and the tops of the side Buds. Is that possible, that a plant takes 14 days (of Blooming)less as the breeder says??? or was I just "wrong looking", i mean, its not that easy to define the amber trichomes cause in different light the trichomes looks different, so a clear one can look amber in the wrong light...

I hope you all understand what i mean. I was posting ma Problems in a german speaking forum, but i did not get usefull answers, might be cause the people dont know much about autostrains...

All my Plants in the one kind of soil i use, got burned tips, I use Composana QBE (i guess thats a german produkt, its a good soil), the burned Tips came after maybe two weeks and nothing i did helped. After a while, the leaves bleached out, beginning from the tips, goin back to the beginning of the leave, than nekrotic spots appear on these leaves. Some plants more some not but all the same Problem. Now the Top Leaves of the one critical Jack are yellow i mean REAL yellow, but not the whole leave just from the tip backwards. All My Plants in that Composana Soil does have these Probs. I was thinking this could be a Magnesium deficiency so i used Bittersalt but nothing happened. I fertilize them but the yellowing never stops.
I do not care that much now, cause the Plants are flowering good and they should be good in a few days, but i dont wanna do the same mistakes again in my next grow. Maybe this is a calcium deficiency or pottasium deficiency, i will post some pictures later...
The seeds are from two sendings, not in one seed package, its not a problem with the genetic, i guess i should have put them into the big Pots from the beginning and dont change pots , also dont use the 400 Watt Lamp from the beginning...
I hope you can understand what i mean, thanks for the help and a good slide into new year (thats translated word 4 word, we say so in our language)
I am going to try and remember to come back and reply tomorrow when i am not in bed :D

Maybe you'll have some pics by then?

sure, i just made some new ones, PICT0205.jpgPICT0206.jpgPICT0209.jpgPICT0212.jpg
The first 3 Pics is the Critical Jack i was talking about, the one which is ready to harvest. I was looking with the mikroskop and there are a lot of amber and cloudy trichomes.
The 4. th is another critical jack where you can see the yellow leaves and the "bleached fields" at the bigger leaves. In the mainbud all the small leaves got yellow tips and this is only with that composana soil, in All Mix soil i never had any Problems.
I guess i will harvest the first one, it looks like the trichomes had passed theyr best days, it looks a little bit as they degenerate a bit, as they are overtime. I dont know if that is right, i will take another leave and look through my mikroskop...
OK, here are the pics and i need to look after my plants now a bit...
PS, I looked again for the Trichomes and i only saw a lot of amber and cloudy Trichomes, a lot of brown "sticks" this ones look like they are "old ball trichomes" and the ball is dried out, so i think its maybe overtime. Maybe the plant took so short because it is only 49 cm tall, short plant short period or some like that,. I think ill harvest her today...:-)
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No answers? I did not harvest the plant yesterday, i decided to give her a few more days...would be nice if there were some answers when i come back this afternoon (c.e.t.)
Happy new year to you all
Well if you planted on Halloween they would be 62 days old not 40. Auto strains are advertised as 60/70 day plants. Tho breeder recommendations are normally short and most take 70 days + it's not unheard of to be finished or close to finished at 62 days like yours are. Now the height. There are different pheno types with autos. The dwarf short pheno, the tall pheno and the bush. You could either have dwarf phenos or somehow early in your grow stunted the plants. Auto strains are not locked down yet in their genetics and it's not uncommon for
The breeders to be off with there stats or to have plants only 10-20 inches tall. From the looks of your plants the 2 nd picture looks about done and should be being flushed as we speak. Also the last pic could start being flushed. It is the holidays so alot of people on here are busy with there family's and personal life but
I'm sure they will be here to answer within the next day. The plants in the first and 3rd pick look like they
Could use a week or two of flushing starting asap. You gotta go by what you know not what the seed bank says. If you see amber trichs or fan leaves yellowing and 50% more of orange/brown hairs then you know they're about done. Hope this helps aid you in your decision and I'm sure someone else will chime in shortly. Just my :2cents: good luck bro and your
Plants look good. Happy harvests and happy new year
Captain is correct you want to start flushing if you haven't already. The plants will get yellow and leaves will die when you flush. This is what you want to see late in flower. When your plants are using stored energy from leaves for the final bud swell you get cleaner smoke. If you keep them green and perfect until you chop, you run the risk of your bud not burning well.

Finish times from a breeder should always be used in general terms. So many things a grower can do that will effect finish times, it's best to go by what each plant is telling you. Once i am near the breeders finish time i'll watch the plant for Bud swell, brown hairs, yellow leaves, amber trichomes are all signs that the buds are maturing or have matured.

Trichomes are sort of a personal thing. Mostly cloudy, typically gives you a racy more energetic high. The more amber trichs the more narcotic also more medicinal CBD's and CBN's. How ever not all plants will get amber trichs.. haha so it really comes down to testing and growing and testing some more. :toke:

As far as size, it comes down to genetics, and environment. If you give them everything they need, they will perform to their best. I still get some dwarf plants in 20+ litres of soil. The general rule of thumb is larger pots will grow larger autos.
First I wanna say "thank you" for your answers. I try my best to understand what you write, i am out of practice with my english but i`ll do my best...

I want to give you some more informations and later I will psot some more pics but need to get home first, so for now some more background Information.

The Automazars, my Problem Childs are the only one with the size Problem, OK one of the CJ`s is small too but as you can see on the Pictures they are carrying good. I planted 1 Automazar out of a 3 seed Pack (the two other seeds were broken when they arrived), one week later i recieved a new seed Pack and so i planted 3 more of the AM.
The first one started good and i put her in a bigger Pot after maybe 10 days to 2 weeks. The Pot wasnt full with wortels when i changed Pots, so it wasnt "overtime" i think. I then used a 7 Liter "deep" (higher pot) Pot. The Plant only get like I said 37 cm. The other ones are growing more bushy with a little bud "knot" in the middle but like i said only 30 cm tall. Cant believe that these are all dwarfs, two different seed packs, good light (but probably wrong handling) I fertilized too late ( i ordered the fertilizer too late). Next time i will plant them into end pots from the beginning, something about 15 or 20 Liters maybe and then we will see...

For better understanding: The first 3 Pictures are the same Plant but different shots, whole plant, head bud, side Bud. The 4 th Picture is from another Critical Jack, the one with the most Problems as you can see on the leaves but it is carrying quite good hard buds with good smell n taste. The third one (CJ) is not on the pictures, it is in different soil and this one good no fu*** Problems and i love her. Not one burned Tip, good healthy green all over and it looks like it is wearing a fur, lot of trichomes on it, it sparkels in the light and like every plant i got in that good soil ("All Mix" soil, special marjihuana growing soil, if you dont know that Produkt, i dont know if that is international) ( :-) ) The plants in the All Mix soil seems to take a little bit longer but it grows with nor Problems, should have used this one 4 all my plants.

The One on the first three Pics is ready to harvest on the headbud but the side buds should take some more time, also the lower buds, so i will start flushing her today. The Autos are growing so fast, time was running away, so i get into trouble now with the flushing. After the flushing, how long the plants must wait untill i can harvest them ( i guess that was shitty english...but :lol: )

I was counting the flowering days, not the vegitation days, was that wrong? In the desrcription is written, 55 to 63 days of FLOWERING, so i counted when i see the first real Bud...So we are at flowering day 40 (around) and growing day 62.(Minus three days they took to break through the soil)

The Dieselryder did exactly as they said, 3 weeks of veg and 6 of flowering.
Thanks for your help
Will post more pics later on
Its not easy to spot the right colour of the trichomes cause of the breaking light, they shimmer amber sometimes but they are not if you watch them in different lights. But the most are cloudy or amber now, in every light i watch, on the mainbud of the one CJ, will flush it and harvest it when you tell me how long i need to wait after flush.
Greetings Pat
Hi again,

I want to post some Pitures of the tiny Automazar i got. Here we goPICT0213.jpgPICT0214.jpgPICT0215.jpg, these are the 3 Automazar i was talking about. They are around 30 cm and so fucking tiny...i wonder what i was doing wrong that the plants stay so tiny. The biggest one i allready harvested with 37 cm and good buds on it but not much, realy not much. I am very disapointed abot that strain but i think the "thing" is not the strain, but my handling. I think i changed potts to late. I am happy with my Critical Jacks, the Dieselryders are not that good but a great taste, if I would have known that all earlier I would have ordered only the Critical Jack Herer.
I also got some "not autos" in my box, do you people want to hear about that strains too or is it just the Autoflower youre intereset in? Cause i got some realy interesting "Lavas" here, its a strain from Growzone Mallorca, i get them in a Bonus Pack, 2 feminized Seeds of Lava. Its "Lavender" from Soma, the same strain but different breeder, they turn into dark purple later on and should jhave a great taste-and got some newbie plants here too, Norther Lights, germed 3 get 3 , 2 different Phenos maybe 3, we´ll see. Got some Hindu Kush Seeds in my frigde but first i wanna finish this chaos here...:-)
Greetz to ya and a happy new year