I had a real problem with heat recently. My room and tent were getting up to 33-34 degrees Celsius (91-93F). This had a real impact on the young plants. My Spanish D did not like the heat at all, you can see her mutated curled leaves in the attached photo. I was running 3 fans and still I couldn't get the temp down. It was still 30 degrees at night. So I sprung for a second hand portable heat pump. Its a beast and dam heavy, but once hooked up brought my temps down right away. I now have it controlled to 26-28. My misses of course hates me accumulating new expensive sound making machinery haha, but this should really sort out all my temp issues, as its an AC heater and dehumidifier all in one. I had problems on my first run with cold last winter. Anyway overnight i saw an improvement in the plants, they started to grow again and their leaves straightened out. Its seems pimiping out your grow area never ends haha