Mephisto Genetics Cosmic Queens in not quite living soil

Cheers Pipes! Indeed, tis popcorn time, the growth spurt drama has begun whilst I was out of town for xmas celebrations, gaining 5cm in height and 6 in width in these 3 days :D

Today is day 21, the three week mark!

2017-12-26_day21 (1).JPG

I had already seen a few pistils on day 19 in the morn, there's no doubt about it now.

2017-12-26_day21 (3).JPG

She's elongating her branches quite quickly, I did just a tiny bit of leaf LST to help her along. Those very bottom most secondaries are staying, as they've grown up to the canopy in these past days; right of center, you can see the tip of the 1st node branch almost at the same height as the 3rd node tip to its right.

What I find interesting in comparison to the Sour Stomper is how the secondaries are growing outwards on their own. With the Sour Stomper, it was that one decisive LST move to spread out those branches that let her express her tertiaries and gave me that crazy yield ;)
Here, I get the feeling I can just let her go, so I'll just sit on the sofa with you guys & watch how she develops those branches in the next 2 weeks! Especially excited to see what she's going to do with those tertiaries she's already begun growing out too!:pop:

Cheers! :jointman:
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Day 23 :D

She's 21cm tall today, and quickly filling the pot space.
And yes she does have a bit of nute burn on her topmost tips from that recent top dressing, oops lol
Won't kill her.
Pile o ' leaves
2017-12-28_day23 (3).JPG

And from the side - see the two branches mid-front and right, those are the two from the other day. I just moved the first-node branch a bit to the left to give the other growing space.

2017-12-28_day23 (4).JPG

Lovely the vitality with which all those branches are developing at the same time.

edit: sorry about the pix, they're actually larger! Not sure why, but it seems they get reduced in size when I upload them
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Hey @calliandra !!
This grow is fantastic! I myself have gone organic and still learning alot! I like what you got going on here. Hope ya don't mind if I grab a seat and learn a few things!!

Happy Growing!
Hey @Burr_nit! Cheers and welcome, tis my pleasure! :pass:

I missed yesterday's lights out for pictures because I was out sourcing materials for partitioning off the NL#5xhaze photoperiod I've also got growing, and she's chomping at the bit to go into flower :D The growroom on Friday (from left to right: NLH,CQ, and MzWoozy off right (she got repotted into 10L after showing signs of wanting to try anyway)
2017-12-29_closet (3).JPG

Today, they're all getting a sprouts juice, this time with blendered alfalfa sprouts (started on Wednesday)


and I've a mind to add a few of the bean shoots too, it's starting to grow rather crazily

2017-12-31_day26 (1).JPG

I was shocked when I came here and saw how the CQ was looking 3 days ago lol
Proper lights-out pix in a bit!
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day 28
Standing at 33cm and continuing to bush out in all directions at a more or less even rate.

2018-01-02_day28 (8).JPG

I removed the bottommost leaves today, and the first-node tertiaries off the monoleaf secondaries.
2018-01-02_day28 (5).JPG They got blendered and fed back to the plants ;)

Canopy view
I've not interfered since twisting the main stem to stagger the side branches.
May tuck a leaf here and there in the next few days, but that's it for now.
2018-01-02_day28 (7).JPG

Mz Woozy, thrown back as she is, is developing her structure nonetheless.

2018-01-02_day28-MzWoozy (3).JPG

Looks like she's the prim one now ;)
I took the monoleaf secondaries off her, in this case it was clear they weren't going far.
2018-01-02_day28-MzWoozy (1).JPG 2018-01-02_day28-MzWoozy (2).JPG

day 28
Standing at 33cm and continuing to bush out in all directions at a more or less even rate.

View attachment 845792

I removed the bottommost leaves today, and the first-node tertiaries off the monoleaf secondaries.
View attachment 845796 They got blendered and fed back to the plants ;)

Canopy view
I've not interfered since twisting the main stem to stagger the side branches.
May tuck a leaf here and there in the next few days, but that's it for now.
View attachment 845791

Mz Woozy, thrown back as she is, is developing her structure nonetheless.

View attachment 845795

Looks like she's the prim one now ;)
I took the monoleaf secondaries off her, in this case it was clear they weren't going far.
View attachment 845793 View attachment 845794


Hell yea. Nice structure on her already!!