Outdoor confused about mould risk



Hi there.

Dont want to keep going on about mould and my worries about humidity. When i mentioned about my polytunnel worries about mould one grower told me to put them in the garden thus reducing the risk of bud rot, but ive just took some humidity readings and it is 79% inside the tent and its the same outside the tent in the garden, that seems high? i thought the risk of bud rot was at the end of the season when it gets foggy in the morning and damp and cold in the night time, thus getting early finishers.So am i being thick? even though its 79% out there is my flowering plants at risk?:bow:
No, don't worry so much about bud rot, I really don't think its that common ,or at least I havn't heard much about it.I have grown out doors in mn and it gets pretty humid even here in the summer .You can't control the weather so don't worry about it. I have never had bud rot,and chances are you won't either.
79% is reaching into the high side... the difference between the tunnel and outside is AIRFLOW... a key component in keeping mould down.... when they are flowering get them in the outside airflow... cold nights dont help but anytime moisture is trapped in the denser parts of the buds it will be thinking about growing... if your temps hit the crucial bump poiunt 50's a night and 70's in the day with humidity... it'll spread like wildfire if you get it... so prevent it first... not trying to scare you... just give you a good understanding of the dangers.. :smokeit:

if you choose to stay in the tunnel... get a big fan and put at one end so it can flow fresh air through.... thats even better because it keeps rain off with the tunnel but still provides good airflow..
Actually I think you have it just about right. Certain types were very succeptable to bud rot that is why they are not grown much anymore. Bubblegum was a notorius rotter. If the type you are growing is not known for bud rot then you don't have to worry much. It usually appears as a black spot on the bud that grows rapidly. There is nothing to do when you get it but to take the rotted buds off the plant and throw them away. The plant that was infected has to be harvested and fast air dried no slow mason jar cure

Hi there.

Dont want to keep going on about mould and my worries about humidity. When i mentioned about my polytunnel worries about mould one grower told me to put them in the garden thus reducing the risk of bud rot, but ive just took some humidity readings and it is 79% inside the tent and its the same outside the tent in the garden, that seems high? i thought the risk of bud rot was at the end of the season when it gets foggy in the morning and damp and cold in the night time, thus getting early finishers.So am i being thick? even though its 79% out there is my flowering plants at risk?:bow:
Cheers everyone.

Yeh i will keep all flaps open, i have a fan set up at one end and a dehumidifier on stand by so i will sleep beter tonight with your words of incouragement. Cheers Sparrowhawk.