Lighting complete set up change. ...2nd grow let's see what happens. ...

Looking oh so sweet so far!! Any smells coming?
Thanks guys, no smells yet. All I can smell is nutrients, specifically the crystal burst by Humboldt county. I only add .25 ml per liter and it still thinks. Had a skunk smell when younger but not much going on currently. Almost done with vertical growth. Buds are starting to slowly fill. I think they one growing naturally is like 26 inches tall maybe? I'm going to do a photo shoot for all 10 girls tomorrow on my day off
OK fed the 4 AxT and gave the nashira, Blackstone and fairy frost their first feeds. 1ml sensi grow a and 1 ml sensi grow b. 1 ml voodoo juice all mixed into 1 liter RO water with .75ml calimagic cal/mag Supplement which I always add before nutrients. I will take and post pics tonight as its a very busy day. Also my mephisto beans were shipped out today so hopefully those arrive safely! Pics in a couple hours!