New Grower Complete first time grower. 20 days in. Advice/comments & help welcome on my setup and grow.

Looking very nice. At 33 days you're coming to the point where vertical growth will slow and eventually stop, so about time to switch to bloom nutes. Once the canopy starts to fill out and those bottom leaves are shaded it's not uncommon for those leaves to die off.
Looking very nice. At 33 days you're coming to the point where vertical growth will slow and eventually stop, so about time to switch to bloom nutes. Once the canopy starts to fill out and those bottom leaves are shaded it's not uncommon for those leaves to die off.

Really appreciate you following the thread Muddy your advice has been invaluable :)

I will give them one more feeding with grow nutes in 2-3 days time and then switch over to flower nutes and bloom booster. They still seem pretty short when I compare them against similar timescale grows on this forum. Do you think they still gain vertical height during the flowering period or are they done now?

At there current size I'm getting a bit worried about the yield.
Any growth you get once they go into full bloom will only be what the buds put on, which usually isn't more than a couple more inches. Different strains grow to different heights so unless you compare to the same strain grown the same way, it's really not a valid comparison. It's also possible that the high heat you had in the beginning may have had an effect and stunted them a bit. It's also your first grow, so I wouldn't be too concerned. You'll get better as you gain more experience. I think they look fine.

The 6 AutoXtremes are now in full flower and vertical growth has now all but stopped. I have switched over to GeneralOrganics Bloom nutes now. First feeding at 1/2 strength and now @ full strength. Showing no signs of nute burn and wanted to try and slow down the yellowing at the bottom. After 7 more days will start feeding the BioBud as well to help really pack on the weight.

The 3 AutoMazar's (3 at the front) are now in full veg growth and are already taller than most of the more mature Xtremes. I did let them stretch to much during the early stage simply because I couldn't bring the lamp low enough without burning the more mature plants. They are now on full strength grow nutes and are just starting to show pre-flower signs. These babies are gonna be BIG, partly due to the original stretch but also they are placed directly by the active intake and are getting fresh air on them all day long. There stems are already thicker than the more mature plants.

So I bought a hygrometer and its showing 36% humidity at canopy level. From what I understand this is to dry and I need to raise it a bit. I have ordered a humidify which should be here tomorrow.

Can you guys recommend a good humidity level that I should try to maintain during the flowering stage.
The auto moves fast if measure the plants daily and hit with bloom nutes right away . You have short chances to get the max yield with autos every mistake is grams off. Good luck. U should be getting about an inch a day at this point.
Nice looking grow! These ladies look nice and happy now that is seems like your pH and nute issues are all dialed in. This brings a question that I have had and I might start a thread in the New Growers Forum to get a little more insight. My question is this, how much do you want autos to stretch? It seems like I haven't seen very many grows where they were stretched too much(the only time I have seen that is when they were underlit with say CFL's and just searching for any kind of light) and it seems like keeping the HID lights a little farther away than one normally would with photos, produces great yields. So my question is to strech or not to strech?

Sorry to thread jack, I am sending mad grow Karma your way(I am also growing 6 AutoXtremes so I am def subbed in for this one)
The auto moves fast if measure the plants daily and hit with bloom nutes right away . You have short chances to get the max yield with autos every mistake is grams off. Good luck. U should be getting about an inch a day at this point.

Yea I understand I probably stunted the plants in the beginning with my mistakes, such as the initial high temps and not feeding enough nutes. I'm not really sure if I should be getting an inch a day @ day 41. The plants are in full flower right now and as Muddy said earlier in the thread, once they hit that stage then vertical growth all but stops.
Nice looking grow! These ladies look nice and happy now that is seems like your pH and nute issues are all dialed in. This brings a question that I have had and I might start a thread in the New Growers Forum to get a little more insight. My question is this, how much do you want autos to stretch? It seems like I haven't seen very many grows where they were stretched too much(the only time I have seen that is when they were underlit with say CFL's and just searching for any kind of light) and it seems like keeping the HID lights a little farther away than one normally would with photos, produces great yields. So my question is to strech or not to strech?

Sorry to thread jack, I am sending mad grow Karma your way(I am also growing 6 AutoXtremes so I am def subbed in for this one)

Thanks for stopping by Derek. Still got a little bit of nute defiency but not really much I can do at this point, just gonna keep hitting them with good feedings of bloom nutes and bud booster. In terms of stretching I think its a balance between getting enough vertical growth and not stretching to much. Muddy mentioned earlier in the thread that you should try and keep the growth nodes about 3/4 - 1 inch apart as a good guide.

No worries on the question, its not thread jacking at all :) I think this a place for all of us new growers to learn from the experts and each others mistakes :D so ask away!

Looking forward to keeping a comparison with your 6 AutoXtreme DWC grow and comparing yields & smoke report at the end also :D
Looks like you're rollin now dude. Your girls are filling out nicely.