New Grower Complete first time grower. 20 days in. Advice/comments & help welcome on my setup and grow.

Howdy Sir...

My only guess could be the intake fan sucked a moth or something inside the tent (don't know how it didn't get chopped to pieces by the fan) and it laid eggs on the plants. I am keeping a really careful eye out for anymore pests
I too am cautious about insects getting into my growtent, I normally don't have them in my appartment, but better safe than sorry. So I cut a piece of universal cooker hood grease filter (it looks like this) and taped it where my intake starts. I does slow my intake a bit, but nothing drastic.

I used the pen today to test the PH of the water with added nutes. With everything added and settled came in at 6.7, which I've been told is in a pretty safe range. After the next watering I will test the PH of the run-off water as well and get back to you.
Don't forget to calibrate your pH pen once in a while, as this could lead to inaccurate readings. I read that some growers even check their pH meter in calibration fluid prior to measuring. The instruction manual of your pen should have an explanation on how to do that. You need a calibration fluid. If you have already done this, then ignore this..:p..

I'm also a beginner, what helps me a lot is reading up on other journals on how they do stuff, learn from their successes and/or failures.

I wish you all the best of luck with your grow amigo...:stylez rasta smoke:...:goodluck:...I subscribed to your post. I'll be sure to drop in and share some good vibes and of course seeing the progression of your grow.



Gave the ladies a good watering with just PH balanced tap water. Got at least 25-30% run-off following you guys advice to make sure there isn't a nute/salt build up in the medium. Only Giving nutes every 2nd feeding.

The girls are absolutely taking off getting almost 2 inches of vertical growth a day! Looks like they want to start flowering real soon. Will still continue giving veg nutes until at least 35-36 days in.

Turned the lights off for these photo's :D What do ye think?

Looking real nice. Watch your node spacing, the space between leaf sets. You don't want them to stretch too much. Raise or lower your light as needed to try and keep the node space at around 1/2 - 3/4".
Thanks! I can be pretty anal about setting stuff up properly so I got it already and working before putting any plants in there.

Imagine that-an anal Brit. Not a bad thing. I have several Brit friends and they are all anal in some way. I'm anal too! That's probably why they are my friends lol

Welcome aboard. I foresee a successful grow. Your girls are already looking good and you have some good people following your grow. Mind if I pull up a chair and watch the fun?
Looks like its gonna get real crowded soon
Looking real nice. Watch your node spacing, the space between leaf sets. You don't want them to stretch too much. Raise or lower your light as needed to try and keep the node space at around 1/2 - 3/4".

Yea I'm trying to keep the light at a level that will suite all the plants. Any idea what the ideal distance between the top of the canopy and a 600w lamp is? I found a nice chart with distance guidelines, but I can't find it again :(

Imagine that-an anal Brit. Not a bad thing. I have several Brit friends and they are all anal in some way. I'm anal too! That's probably why they are my friends lol

Welcome aboard. I foresee a successful grow. Your girls are already looking good and you have some good people following your grow. Mind if I pull up a chair and watch the fun?

Being anal get's stuff done well :D Albeit a little more slowly ;) I think it must be in the Brit blood.

Thanks for the welcome :) The community here seems super friendly and not only that but well informed as well. I hope everything will continue to go pretty smoothly. Pull up as many chairs as you want.
I found a nice chart with distance guidelines, but I can't find it again :(

I have the same problem. Now getting into the habit of cut and pasting tips, charts, etc. into my "Grow Bible". Helps me to find things later. Us anals got to stick together. And FYI, bout half of my bible comes from stuff Muddy has posted. Thanks Muddy-you rock dude!
Yea I'm trying to keep the light at a level that will suite all the plants. Any idea what the ideal distance between the top of the canopy and a 600w lamp is? I found a nice chart with distance guidelines, but I can't find it again :(

There are no hard and fast rules on distance. What works well for one strain may not for the next one. I haven't used a 600 watt HPS in over 4 years now so really don't remember. Just watch your plants and they will tell you. If they are stretching too much, just lower the light and watch your nodes. Once vertical growth stops, usually around week 6, you'll want to get them as close to the plants as possible without burning them. When that time comes, place your hand, palm down, at the canopy top. Lower your light until it feels comfortable on the back of your hand.

And FYI, bout half of my bible comes from stuff Muddy has posted. Thanks Muddy-you rock dude!

Thanks for the kind words Duckster. :Cheers me Dears:

Growth has slowed down considerably and a couple of the girls seem to be having big trouble getting there bottom nodes out of the pots, meaning they are getting almost no light down there and are dying off. 3 of the ladies seem to be doing no vertical growth at all and are just piling leaves on top of leaves and not getting anywhere. Also a couple of plants have lots a few sets of leaves to yellowing at the bottom and eventually the leaves just dying and falling off.

Next grow will definitely make sure that I fill the pots up to the very top to avoid the height in the pot problems.

Still feeding grow nutes at 1/2 recommended strength. PH of mix @ 6.7 - PH of run off @ 6.5~
