Communal Learning TLO thread

Eyes on Fire

Guy Smiley
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Hey guys and gals,

I thought i would make a thread to catch questions and things and essentially teach easy simple stuff from organics beginnings as well as more involved methods down the road LOL you'll have to bare with me,Ive not taught beginner organics in some time sooooo, LOL! but ill give it a go!!

Now i know a lot of people want to learn organics the right way from blending or even just buying and using a working water only system with maybe some epsom and molasses and a few simple tea items. and thats what i'll teach you. every couple days or so once I sit and slap something together. ill post each day(or thereabouts) and take some questions and organics and the like. for those of you getting started you really only need a few things. a patient attitude ,a learning frame of mind and the desire to do better, thats all.well minus the cost of products,pots,soil, seeds and other varying things. but once you have your Soil,pots,seeds and water(bucket pump and materials for you tea ppl) thats it.well and a tent or box with reflective surface and a light. T5 is my own personal choice but LED's are fine too. CFL's MAN, i aint done CFL's for a bit LOL! but they work ok.

and as an info thing you all need to know what your tap water is and if can be worked to be used,bubble chlorine out or if it has chloramines ,and the PH and the EC/PPM's of your water. only thing holding most back is chloramines ,but there is an option for you tea brewers. an enzyme I believe that negates chloramine in what,like a day i think. Id have to re touch on that but Im not too far off. but with that, I wish you all good grows and ill be talking to you guys n gals soon.
:woohoo1::woohoo1::woohoo1::vibe::vibe::vibe::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: I'm here to stay Eyes . here is a slap I can't give ya , :slap: won't let me , so I owe ya one .

GLAD to hear it, these are worth watching.or listening too,but cannabis in our world is a little different of course. you just have to understand in small amounts of soil life can ware out from lack of food,and hence life.soil is food.. so I will attemp to try and discuss the fact at to where I started ,and moved to mixing bags then to making my own Living organic container mixes that work fairly effectively though, but all in all to where we are at now. so i'll be trying this this week with a few links and stuff. but thanks guys,atleast some people are watching some of it. :D