Also be careful how hard you pull on the new growth. It's easy to pull it off/break it. Learned that one the hard way. If a stem ever splits, just wrap some tape around the wound and it will heal up.
What looks like final weights are in on the first three girls, Auto Blues and 24 Carat are 24g each and Grape Crinkle is 28g.
I'm mostly happy with that but would sure like to pull more off each plant next time. I'm slowly trying the different training techniques and considering going to AN nutes with Tang's easy schedule if it'll make a significant difference, hard to decide...
Thanks Yeatster! I've got some "interesting" smoke reports comin! (then I've got to figure out who to tag for the badge? Rebel?)
Here's the current girls -
Blue Crack, gettin close, loosing fan leaves by the handful but not seeing much in the way of orange pistils yet...
SODK, I let her out of her lst early, can't give you a good reason why except it "felt" right
Still looks like I may have reduced main cola dominance...
Here's Hubba, kind of a gangly lil gal at this point
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