Coco growers, how do you fertigate your plants?

May 28, 2024
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Hey guys,

So I got recommended this website by a known user, because the other "forum" I've been to, has been toxic since day 1 onwards. I hope I am in the correct subforum for this, I was insure if I should go to problems, or to the beginners section. I'm sorry if this is the wrong one!

Here are some of my details first of all, because it's important:
* MarsHydro FC3000, currently running at 300-320PPFD at plant level, 24/0 cycle
* Exhaust fan
* Autopot 4 pot 3.9gal / 14L system, currently handfeeding
* Autoflowers, 8 days old
* Canna Coco nutrient line
* RO Water
* Temps around 23-25°C, humidity stable at 60-65%
* Apera PH20, calibrated weekly, stored in solution
* Generic EC pen, 100% stable as it's also tested in an EC solution weekly

I fed my coco with a 1.0EC nutrient solution at 5.7PH, consisting of 0.3EC Calmag, and 0.7EC Canna Coco A+B. 1 day later I added my sprouted seedlings, and another day later they popped their heads out of the substrate (pre-germinated). Yes I went straight for final pot, I should've chosen solo cups first. My bad, I know! I have a few runs behind my back in organics, I sometimes transplanted, sometimes didn't, I'm a 100% autoflower fan and it has always worked with- or without transplanting.

I then waited for around 2 days, and watered with a 0.5EC solution (0.3EC Calmag + 0.7EC A+B, watered down with RO water). Then PHed to 5.7, around 100ml for each plant. They seemed fine.


But then I probably made the first mistake and didn't water for 3 days, as I've read very often that I should have some drybacks in coco when they're seedlings. The top coco took it's time to dry back, even after 3 days there was still some moisture left on top, so I thought it needed it. I then got recommended to water daily, just not a lot.


The plants were doing something funky lately. They perked up for around 10-14 hours of the day, but started drooping the other 10 hours of the day. I usually run 24/0 with 600PPFD onwards from day 1 and never had this happen in organics or half-organics (biobizz). They just kept being perky and happy, so I was confused about them drooping down with only 300PPFD at 24/0. I also noticed that the newest growth is coming out in a pale green, rather than a healthy green.


So yesterday I watered 200ml of a 0.7EC solution, got recommended to water more around the further parts of the coco (It was dusty dry on the rims), and added another 500ml with 0.8EC at 5.7PH. After that, the plants started perking back up, the top growth didn't lay flat anymore, and perked back up against the light.


But today, after less than 24 hours, they were droopy again, top growth laying flat against the first leaves again, first set of leaves hanging downwards once more. The newest growth on top seems a pale green, even though I fed a solution which should fit to this stage of growth.

I am currently at day 7 or 8 since sprout, growth is mediocre, it somehow always comes to a halt over night while I sleep, and when I open the tent in the morning, it's all droopy again.


Is there anyone who can tell me what to do here? What am I doing wrong? I already got nice advice, but I didn't think they'd droop after not even 15 hours of being alone again. Something is just funky, and I am too dumb to find out what's wrong. I'd love if someone can jump in and help me out real quick!
Hello 100ml of water is to much 50ml max and lower your ec of A@B to about 350ppm you dont need high EC as you should be watering every day i have grown with those nutes do not follow the feed chart to the letter you need to follow the light feed chart and nock a bit off
These where grown with canna nute max feed was 550 ppmMAX
Blue ammo.jpg
Happy growing you know it makes sense :thumbsup:
Hello 100ml of water is to much 50ml max and lower your ec of A@B to about 350ppm you dont need high EC as you should be watering every day i have grown with those nutes do not follow the feed chart to the letter you need to follow the light feed chart and nock a bit off
Can confirm, using the light feed for heavy water myself and it's plenty. I'm one of the guys who never let's their coco dry out. I let it get dry-ish. Your 2nd to last picture is the dryest I let mine get, at any stage of their life.

In the beginning it's important to overwater considerably and get rid of the runoff. just the first 2-3 times.
Can confirm, using the light feed for heavy water myself and it's plenty. I'm one of the guys who never let's their coco dry out. I let it get dry-ish. Your 2nd to last picture is the dryest I let mine get, at any stage of their life.

In the beginning it's important to overwater considerably and get rid of the runoff. just the first 2-3 times.
Hello why do you water to run off when seedlings there is no need if using good coco i have never done that with no ill efects
Hello why do you water to run off when seedlings there is no need if using good coco i have never done that with no ill efects
I know you shouldn't need it with good coco but what I do is water normally the first one, then the second one drench it for a lot of runoff, third a little runoff. There have been batches of normally good coco that were a tad iffy. Now I'm superstitious.
I know you shouldn't need it with good coco but what I do is water normally the first one, then the second one drench it for a lot of runoff, third a little runoff. There have been batches of normally good coco that were a tad iffy. Now I'm superstitious.
Everyone has there little diffrences ways with growing all with the same goal
Any hints as to what I should do now? let it dry out more and just wait? I feel like there's no "good" outcome currently, they were droopy when I didn't water, and they're droopy after watering. They seem weak, some are "not attached" to the coco which is very weird. They're not stretching, they're just not firmly attached to the coco, as if the roots didn't grow into the substrate when I planted the seeds as usual. I had to put some coco around the stem, otherwise they'd fall over. No rotting though, just loosely attached with some fine roots.

Last time I watered was today before creating this thread, which was 500ml of RO water, 0.3EC Canna Coco Calmag Agent, and 0.7EC A+B for 1.0EC solution, then lowered to 0.7EC, which is around 350ppm. They still seem droopy and pale. Ambient CO2 PPM as measured by a high quality CO2 reader is at 550-650PPM 24/7, so everything seems to be fine in that case
Any hints as to what I should do now? let it dry out more and just wait? I feel like there's no "good" outcome currently, they were droopy when I didn't water, and they're droopy after watering. They seem weak, some are "not attached" to the coco which is very weird. They're not stretching, they're just not firmly attached to the coco, as if the roots didn't grow into the substrate when I planted the seeds as usual. I had to put some coco around the stem, otherwise they'd fall over. No rotting though, just loosely attached with some fine roots.

Last time I watered was today before creating this thread, which was 500ml of RO water, 0.3EC Canna Coco Calmag Agent, and 0.7EC A+B for 1.0EC solution, then lowered to 0.7EC, which is around 350ppm. They still seem droopy and pale. Ambient CO2 PPM as measured by a high quality CO2 reader is at 550-650PPM 24/7, so everything seems to be fine in that case
i would say you have over watered them if it was me i would start fresh over
if you let the coco dry out, you might have caused dry bubbles where the coco basically becomes hydrophobic. With this in mind, I would prepare a bunch of lught nutes (0.5-0.8 EC) and let the pot sit in that until the coco has wicked all that upward to the coco surface. Once this has happened its almost sure all the coco is moist again and you can resume waterings as you have been advised here or however you want... just make sure not to let the coco dry too much and water slowly.

oh and if you havent yet, make sure to check Coco for Cannabis web site
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