Indoor Coco--Five strains: Seedlings to harvest.


El Colibri
Sep 16, 2011
Reaction score
Decided I best start a journal--to keep my dates and notes handy.

All in Canna Coco except the two labeled oddballs which I will not photo again, until, we see what they do in flower.

Using Canna Coco nutes without Boost due to price. Using Golden Tree instead. Keeping it simple this grow for looking back in my notebook--I see I have been a mad scientist with nute/supplement experiementation. Less is better! Though--I am experimenting with humic acid--hard to break old habits!

Sprout date---July 29 for four plants and Aug 9 for the oddballs.

Four plants:

2-Narcotherapy by COC
1-Blackjack SS--this one is all sativa looking
1-Bubba Kush by Dina


1-Delicious free OG cross





Sept 13


BJ1 (FILEminimizer).JPG

BJ1 (FILEminimizer).JPG

BJ2 (FILEminimizer).JPG

Bubba Kush

Bubba1 (FILEminimizer).JPG

Bubba2 (FILEminimizer).JPG


Narco1 (FILEminimizer).JPG

Narco2 (FILEminimizer).JPG

Oddballs--just for the record. Used a mix of coco/clay pellets and LW--for ran out of coco substrate. They are not high on my list--just germed to fill tent. Appears they may have had an early K def. No biggie.

oddballs (FILEminimizer).JPG

Yesterday--Sept. 12 started PK for one week. Much confusion and incomplete guidance by Canna per this product. After reviewing forums and Canna's original feed schedule--decided to follow it--PK one week at beginning of development of "small fruit." In coco this may be about right with autos for they require a good ten days to two weeks to flush (water without nutes).

Looks to be about five weeks out to ripening due to plants size--they all have a big infrastructure of leaves etc.



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An update:

Some starting to ripen--slowly!

Last week started for one week--Canna Coco P/K with Golden Tree.

This week switched back to only A and B plus Cannazym along with the cal/mg for RO water.

They look excellent vis a vis my recent grows (kiss style).

Narcotherapy--slower due to sizable infrastructure.
The purple OG--is very fast and small.



Narco 1b


Narco 2


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I didn't know this thread was here as well.:shrug: don gcase:bow: is practicing omerta:shooty:
hiding all the women from us:nono: what a batch of beasty girl's.:dancer::vibe::dancer::vibe:i grew out three blackjack, and all were short and indica:thumbsup: yours, tall and leggy:eyebrows: some really nice plant's:bighug::cheers: I subbed up!
:pighug:greetings Don GC, my grow respects to you! I would like to drool over your ladiezz, with your permission, and under the supervision of your Familia, with all due respect! :spels::spels::spels::spels: ........ :drool: :rofl:
.... very very nice plants my friend, your coco skills get better and better-:greenthumb: The Golden Tree, that's the "all-in-one" super supplement, right? Interesting! I'd say it's working well :eyebrows:..... great line-up too, BTW! Narco' has a good rep', several grows here if I recall,... BK (photo) is a staple out here, always around, for good reason! I hope the auto version is worthy as well,... between these two, you'll be face-first in bed every night! heavy hitters :dizzy: LOL! Love the lush build Case, tons of bud sites! And they're filling in beautifully,... ***..... Blackjack! Yuuuummm,... I'm with Capo Fancy Hands no doubt, you got the Jack-favored pheno', not the Blk. Domina one like he had; just look at the skinny lady fingers- sex-ay!! :kiss: You'll need it- :rofl: what with the head-flattening Indica's above,... superb looking bud on her, classic Sweet resins! Ditto for that Ice (Cool?)-- a diesel heritage strain, nice balanced buzz,... ***... Pocket rocket POG, looking ready for launch! Shorty, but stouty,... need a c/u pic on her! ****.... Case, I noticed some defc. starting on the coco girls,. Narco and BK at least; I'm sure you saw! -Mg, from the look of those lowers,... and maybe something else, on the uppers, that overall paleness-? might be the camera fooling me,...can you confirm? Fe and S come as the likely suspects,... epsoms will cover the S, and Mg,... add some extra in there and see if it halts the color loss,... Fe, we'll wait and see,...
.... *pant pant pant* wheeew!--- all that eye-humping has wore me out! --I'll need Astro to tag-team me on this grow-:crying: :slap:--take that a just payment for services rendered!! :cheers:
