Lighting CobShop picture thread Bring on the beauty!

I got 2 tents bought 1 new for this grow and out grew both tents now I have 2 tents that will never get used again love the open space grow. I will again redo my grow space b4 my next run setting my lights in their permanent places BigSm0 my need your assistance in layout
Absolutely, ready when you are.
Not that I’m against over consumption but these 2 have have smoked a few tons to many. Marijuana is racist lol
Weird story of the week there. I never understand folks that feel they have to grow 20+ plants for personal consumption. I’m sorry but if you are growing that much you are probably selling it. I stay stoned 24/7 and won’t ever need more that a couple plants at a time and I’m not going to try and say it’s a religious sacrament for my church. :rofl: I just admit it, I’m a damned pothead. :smoking:
I never understand folks that feel they have to grow 20+ plants for personal consumption.
That is basically the same psychology for those wanting only the highest thc content. It's kind of an "over-kill" thing driving them. A misleading and false desire in a way.
That is basically the same psychology for those wanting only the highest thc content. It's kind of an "over-kill" thing driving them. A false desire in a way.
Yea the whole high THC thing is kind of baloney as well. I have had some 14% lab tested weed that knocked me on my butt compared to some stronger stuff.
I find myself doing a running 'in my head' commentary while I'm driving. Every time I see a nice sized outbuilding on an abandoned lot I'm think, ooh I could grow some nice ones in there, or I wonder if it has a lot of light leaks, or man with some insulation and a bigger breaker box I could run that year round . . .

Then I go home to my tiny two plant stealth cabinet and remind myself that I only smoke a bowl 2-3 nights a week and that I end up giving most of what I grow away anyway. Its human nature to want more than we have.
Growin is addictive. The want to try different strains another reason. To make the most of the light that your using. Might as well fill floor space if the lights r on. What happens if shit hits the fan then you’ll need mega in storage. I’m prepping for the end of the world. The only thing so far I’m working on stock piling is bud but that’s the most important thing.
Growin is addictive. The want to try different strains another reason. To make the most of the light that your using. Might as well fill floor space if the lights r on. What happens if shit hits the fan then you’ll need mega in storage. I’m prepping for the end of the world. The only thing so far I’m working on stock piling is bud but that’s the most important thing.

Lol, what else do you really need? :cheers: