@BigSm0, I just wanted to let you know that I received my order. I am waiting to run your lights on a grow from beginning to end before I write the review. But I swapped out one autocob for the QB I was using to finish off my current grow. Unfortunately, it only has a week left or so.
I do have a quick question, though.
I have a 2' x 2.5' x 7' tent. I was running a 135 watt QB 288 V1 in there dimmed as far down as I could get it. At 32", I was seeing what I think was light stress on my plants. Right now, I have 1 autocob at 32". It seems like it is more than adequate light for the space. Do you think I could run 2 autocobs at that height in that space or would that be too much? I am going to run a test on some jalapenos starting next weekend after I harvest my gal, but I don't want to run into the same light stress issues.
Thanks for any light you might be able to shed on the subject. (Har dee har har...Thank you very much...I'm here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitstaff.)
Lol, with the comedy it seems my $2 bill won’t fit in the tip jar. Sorry for the delay. I don’t think I’d add a second cob to the space. It’s just over the max coverage area of the cob but a second may be to much. On the other hand if you are using megacrop you may be able to squeeze in a second but I’d really try the one first. From what I have seen in the 2 recent side by sides you will definitely prefer the cob.