Lighting info, questions and answers

If I could ask 1 more question, how long is the power plug on an AutoCOB?
@6 feet

I’m curious if the reflector is even necessary?
In my case Ihad them in an open environment so the light was going out a lot. In an enclosed space shouldnt be neccessary
You mention a good point about not using the reflector. Once flowering kicked in I put them on my current set up. Thinking about it now I could remove them and lower the light a bit to hopefully spread the light out a bit more
I’m curious if the reflector is even necessary?
I am currently testing a plant with reflector and a plant without. Both are White Widow. The reflector plant did better in veg. It also started forming buds quicker as well as growing taller. The non reflector plant is now almost as tall as the reflector plant. That is a recent development. It should be as tall as the reflector plant later today. I believe they are near week 6. The reflector plant already stopped vertical growth as the non reflector is still growing vertically, but not much longer.
I am currently testing a plant with reflector and a plant without. Both are White Widow. The reflector plant did better in veg. It also started forming buds quicker as well as growing taller. The non reflector plant is now almost as tall as the reflector plant. That is a recent development. It should be as tall as the reflector plant later today. I believe they are near week 6. The reflector plant already stopped vertical growth as the non reflector is still growing vertically, but not much longer.
Can’t wait to see your final harvest numbers.
The non reflector Autocob White Widow passed the reflector Autocob White Widow in height yesterday. Maybe an inch or so higher. The reflector plant buds are still bigger by a fair bit. The reflector temp just above canopy is only 1 degree warmer than the non reflector. The thermometers with remote sensors that I am using for canopy temps have worked out very well indeed. It's great to be able to monitor tent temps while I am downstairs.