Lighting info, questions and answers

Savings for me would be even greater as I pay around 9-10 cents per kWh I think I finally will be able to purchase some cobs this coming week excited can't wait to join the cobrevolution

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Man 9-10 cents per KWH that’s pretty cheap about half what I pay. At those rates I would have 8 autocobs going.
You may be new but you already know a lot more than most. Large panels limit you. Size and individual cob height is fixed. You are also stuck with on or off on the entire light. The singles can be arrranged in any configuration and can do so forever. If your space changes you can move them. Take one to veg or take 2 and use them to flower. However you can imagine it, it’s possible. You can also unplug cobs as you start out and plug them in as your plants need more coverage and intensity.
Apples to apples the Autocob is tough to beat. Dollar per watt it’s very competitive and similar price to some diy kits available. Cobs, heatsinks, driver, frame and of coarse your time. Nevermind the part where you have to learn what’s what and how to wire it all. These AutoCobs are complete ready to hang lights with a decent coverage area. 16x16” minimum and 24x24 maximum. Generally I recommend 4 for a 3x3 and 4-5 for a 4x4 space. As a comparison these deliver about 2.5 times the light of most red and blue led lights per watt.
Do you ship to europe?
I can sort of relate. We just lost power for 5 days. Family of 4 and a garden of 20. Over the years I had decided to equip my house with the most efficient items I could. I own a 5k generator for work that’s also wired for our home. I installed a 100 gallon well expansion tank, (long showers before the well pump turns on) hybrid hot water heater, led everything. We were able to live our lives normally and I was able to keep a dozen Autocobs going with a few fans. We also kept the 2 mini-split heat/ac’s going. Heat for the grow and heat for the house.

When we moved here we had a pretty bad storm that left us without power for 7 days. My 5k gene was topped out by the original 5k watt water heater alone. My plasma tv pulled 498 watts. So the two couldn’t be on together. Now my 2 70” led tv’s and water heater draw 640 watts combined.
Backup generators are a must anymore, we have a 20kw and auto transfer switch, all I do is count down that dreadful 10 seconds! Cheers!
Yea it's all pretty expensive lol. We have hydro, solar and gasoline power. A 3K Honda. We have a big battery bank. We're always aware of how much power we're using. So many things now are more energy efficient like the lighting and entertainment stuff.
Didn’t know how expensive these things ran... lol

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They come to fit all budgets, just have to decide what's important in your situation. I didn't want to go through the trouble of connecting and disconnecting from an event so, I went with the largest air-cooled model available at the time. People that have medical equipment to consider will likely have to spend more to accomplish uninterrupted power supply. I think they are a great investment.