@BigSm0, I've seen nothing but great feedback from your creations so I think it's only right I jump in and see what the fuss is about

I've a few questions though if I may,
I'm currently growing in a 3'x2' area under led with pretty good results so far, but I can only really grow 2 at a time realistically. I'm looking into either a 4x4 or a 4x8, more than likely the 4x8 though. So obviously I'm going to have to raid the piggy bank for new lighting as the 2x3 will remain a veg room.
How many of your cobs would you recommended to give good coverage and also I'm not what you would call technically minded, im no idiot but i can barely work a smartphone haha. So would your almost complete packages be abit confusing for the likes of myself or is it pretty idiot proof to assemble a setup? Also the big question...how much

Cheers mate