I hope 2021 is much better than 2020.
Cobshop is still active and pushing out lights But there has been some trouble with the post offices lately. As a consumer myself I can’t help but check tracking numbers hoping they would show some signs of life. My local post master has told me things are backed up, staff is out with the vid’ but they are doing everything they can. He also told me this current week should be the last week for any delays. Christmas and New Years of 2020 they have seen a 46% annual increase in packages. Anyone with a brain could have figured this one out but they didn’t prepare for it I guess. More amazon trucks then stores.
On a bright note... I have also seen a major increase too. It seems more and more people are growing their own which is the way it should be. When you rely on other people you are at their mercy. Prices can increase, quality isn’t guaranteed and most importantly safety. No one will ever handle what you consume with the care as you personally would. Another part is many growers have turned towards indoor vegetable gardening. Shelves have stayed fairly stocked here but anyone with time check out the (ice age farmer) on YouTube. Such a great guy with priceless information. I’m personally working on converting part of my grow space into a year round vegetable garden. It takes a lot less light to grow food than it does weed making it less expensive and more manageable.
I hope everyone is doing good and things make a turn towards normal soon!