@wwwillie thanx man. This new territory for me but looks like a nice way of growing.

Pete :greenthumb:

My pleasure man. @BigSm0 s partially built are a great deal. He's got the cob, mount, heat goop, and heatsink for probably less than you can buy them. I have 4 autocobs and 4 partial builts.
I just checked the budget and I will not be able to get myself a COB setup. But I will be joining the ooh's and aah's over all the grows :smokeit:

Pete :greenthumb:
I just checked the budget and I will not be able to get myself a COB setup. But I will be joining the ooh's and aah's over all the grows :smokeit:

Pete :greenthumb:
Hey man. It will be all the better when the time comes.
I will be doing the mephisto grow battle at the same time, can I use the same plant for this one? It'll be under bigsm0 auto cobs :bong: