Good luck everyone I'll Definitely be keeping an eye on this. Theses cobbs are great I love em. My first Cobb grow 100w
The antenna was not loud enough, we need to Pump up the Volume...

The Auto Warriors decided to activate the satelites...

We recieved a crystal clear signal from the European Alpes...

And it's pure...


The Auto Warriors proudly present...


The innovative manufacturers will please the AFN Live-Stoner with an interview at...

Friday 18th of August

BST: 6 pm | CET: 7 pm | EDT: 1 pm | PDT: 10 am

Be there or you dare!
Ohhhhh fechhhhh , i might be able to get into this one too!!!!! Lemme see what i got.....

[HASHTAG]#Growbattles[/HASHTAG] starting 1st September Rules.

This is a 13 WEEK [HASHTAG]#growbattle[/HASHTAG]..please bear this in mind for both your cross choice and training methods.

1 Plants must be germed between 1-7th September 2017

2 Plant for competition must be nominated by 30th September.

3 Final photo for finishing Poll must be in thread for week commencing 4th December 2017. Photo must include the pot.

4 Poll will be Open for votes from 8th-12th December 2017.

5 All Entries must be updated once per week.

Love from @Ripper [HASHTAG]#keeperoftherules[/HASHTAG]
WooHoo here we go!!!
So, who's in on this with me?? Let's see what the competition looks like, eh!
What are you planning on growing for this? Me, I am going with one of the Mephisto Illuminautos from the recent sale. I just can't decide which one though. Prolly "man bear alien pig" because I love the name!!
What COB setups will you be using? I am using @BigSm0 's Autocobs and need to decide about 4 or 5 of these in a 4x4 tent.
Thanks for the "Rules" @Mossy
WooHoo here we go!!!
So, who's in on this with me?? Let's see what the competition looks like, eh!
What are you planning on growing for this? Me, I am going with one of the Mephisto Illuminautos from the recent sale. I just can't decide which one though. Prolly "man bear alien pig" because I love the name!!
What COB setups will you be using? I am using @BigSm0 's Autocobs and need to decide about 4 or 5 of these in a 4x4 tent.
Thanks for the "Rules" @Mossy
Best of luck @wwwillie. I'd start with 4 then increase to 5 and in mid to late flower swap in a 6500k for absolutelyepicamountsofresiniusfrost!!!
Best of luck @wwwillie. I'd start with 4 then increase to 5 and in mid to late flower swap in a 6500k for absolutelyepicamountsofresiniusfrost!!!
That sounds like a plan!!
I am also going to use the far red stuff. I have a plan and the parts for a nice little set-up.